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John continued looking at the red coals, till hearing Mrs. Loveday's foot on the staircase, he went to meet her. 'She is better, said Mrs. Loveday; 'but she won't come down again to- day. Could John have heard what the poor girl was moaning to herself at that moment as she lay writhing on the bed, he would have doubted her mother's assurance.

Somewhat to her astonishment, as I could see, I asked to be allowed to go also, and, after some entreaty, prevailed. So we all set out behind Uncle Loveday's over-fed pony for Polkimbra. There was a small crowd around the door of the "Lugger Inn" when we drove up. It appeared that the coroner had just arrived, and the inquest was to begin at once. Meanwhile, the folk were busy with conjecture.

Loveday and Diana went to bed that evening just as usual. They performed their customary hair-brush drill, twisted Diana's light-brown locks in curl-rags, and plaited Loveday's flaxen mane in two long braids, folded their clothes neatly, read their Bible portions, said their prayers, and blew out the candle.

'O yes; you mean Captain Loveday's brother. Dear Bob has mentioned him. 'If you come round to Widow Garland's side of the house, you can see the camp, said the miller. 'Don't force her; she's tired with her long journey, said Mrs. Garland humanely, the widow having come out in the general wish to see Captain Bob's choice.

After fifty minutes it was actually over the moor, all now conscious of it; but the rope was indistinguishable from the air. Yet it was there, walking the ground, at its end a horizontal staff....Hogarth, with wiser forethought than Loveday's, had predicted, not a staff, but a loop.