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"Ah, yes, business has much to answer for," remarked Mrs Loper, in a tone which suggested that she held business to be an incorrigibly bad fellow; "whatever mischief happens with one's husband it's sure to be business that did it."

There were declamations from the third and fourth readers, "How big was Alexander, Pa?" and "He never smiled again," and "Lord Ullin's Daughter," and Maggie Loper held the audience spell-bound by an entirely new one, which Elvira had selected and copied for her out of a book of poems, "The Dream of Eugene Aram."

I don't think Mrs Twitter quite likes it, and I'm sure she's almost breaking her heart at the thought of leaving George Yard. It is said that their friends Mrs Loper, Mrs Larrabel, Stickler, and Crackaby, want to join, but I rather think Sir Richard isn't very keen to have them. Mr Stephen Welland is also coming.

Loper poured out coffee in the kitchen, the neighbor women carried the cups and saucers, Maggie waited on the table, passing the bread around first, and Elvira stood with a bunch of peacock's feathers in her hand and kept off the flies.

"Oh, that's all right," Joe assured him. "Hello, what are you doing here and what's the matter with you?" cried Jim, seeing Harry Loper sitting dejectedly in a chair. "Why aren't you out fixing the trapezes? You know Mr. Strong goes on them soon." "I I he told me to stay here," Loper stammered, indicating Joe. "Yes," supplemented Joe Strong, "there's something doing, Jim. I'll tell you later.

Cocceji seems to have answered, to the effect, "Most certainly: the Courts are wide open;" but as to "help"! December 30th, the Suit, Voltaire VERSUS Hirsch, "comes to Protocol," that is, Cocceji, Jarriges, Loper, three eminent men, have been named to try it; and Herr Hofrath Bell, Advocate for Voltaire Plaintiff, hands in his First Statement that day. Berlin resounds, we may fancy how!

"Was it Harry Loper?" "I taxed him with it, but he swears he knew nothing of it," said Joe. "I'm inclined to believe him, too. I charged him with drinking, and he could not deny that. But he said he met some old friends and they induced him to have a little convivial time with them. No, I don't believe he'd do it. He's weak and foolish, but he had no reason to try to injure me." "Who would, Joe?

Six years later, Loper had been attracted to the San Juan River, a tributary of the Colorado in Southeastern Utah, by the excitement created by the discovery of placer mining there. He confided to Russell his belief that the Colorado River offered much greater chances of richer placer mining. Difficulty in Finding Companions. The men planned to make their start in the spring of 1905.

"You're right, Mr Twitter. I always said so," remarked Mrs Loper, adopting all these sentiments with a sigh of resignation. "If we did not submit to fortune when it is adverse, why then we'd have to have to " "Succumb to it," suggested Mrs Larrabel, with one of her sweetest smiles. "No, Mrs Larrabel, I never succumb from principle I never do so.

That night, when the time for Joe to prepare for his acts, including the fire tricks, came, he did not see Ham in the dressing tent, where the assistant was usually to be found. "Have you seen him?" asked Joe of Harry Loper. "Yes, about half an hour ago," was the answer. "He said he was going in to town." "Going in to town and so near performing time?" cried Joe. "I wonder what for!