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Birds twitter and carol sweetly as they flit unseen from twig to twig of the tall waving elms, and one would be apt to forget the existence of human beings, were it not for an occasional interruption of this peaceful monotony, in the way of a cozy cottage, whose gables peep through the foliage, the lowing of cattle, or the sweet, clear song of some village maid, as she saunters through the broad rich fields, with her pail held towards the impatient cows, and her large plaited straw bonnet thrown recklessly on the back of her head, or being twisted by its safe strings on the fingers of the idle hand.

"Ay, you can twitter about it all so prettily, can't you? till you've tempted us so near that the beast in you can grab us with its claws! Love who is it you love? Shall I tell you? 'Tis yourselves! You beasts! We're just pretty dolls, and sweet little pets to be played with, aren't we? Until you fall on us with your wolfish lust ... 'tis all you think or care for just that!"

In the thick branches of the hemlocks that stretch across the stream, the tiny warblers, dressed in a hundred colours, chirp and twitter confidingly above your head; and the Maryland yellow-throat, flitting through the bushes like a little gleam of sunlight, calls "witchery, witchery, witchery!"

In the dimly lighted office, people were clamouring for tickets, scolding at the delay, or grimly biding their time in corners, with one eye asleep, and the other sharply watching the conductor. 'Isn't it romantic? cried Matilda, wide awake, and in a twitter of excitement.

I was only afraid I'd have to go, with all this inside work to be done." "Humph!" says he. "You needn't fear. I shall see that nothing of the sort happens." "Ah, you're a bird, you are!" says I. "Perhaps," says Piddie. "Then climb a tree and twitter," says I; for it made me grouchy to think I'd let a bonehead like him get a rise out of me.

Then Swanhild remembered Jon and the other man whom she had seen riding to the booth, and she told Gizur of them. "Now," she said, "we will snare these birds, and perchance they will twitter tidings when we squeeze them." So they turned and rode for the booth, and drawing near, they saw two horses grazing without.

But in the middle of all this, Frank declares that he won't stir in the matter, and that if he could put the abominable thing down by holding up his finger, he would not do it. And he has made me promise not to talk about it, and, therefore, all I can do is to be in a twitter.

By and by, farther to the east, another brightness began to grow and gather this light into its outstretched wings. In the nearest wood a soft twitter came from a single tiny bird. Another voice answered it.

"My dears," she said to her mates later on, "I don't mind telling you I was all of a twitter, first-along, wondering what card that man Oke was holding back he looked so sly and so sure of hisself. But if he've no better card to play than Seth Ede, we can sleep easy." "Seth Ede's a powerful strong oar," Bess Rablin objected. "Was, you mean.

I have no more learning about bird-music than would help me to guess that a dull dissyllabic refrain in the heart of the wood came from the cuckoo; and when at moments I heard a twitter of fuller tone, with a more suggestive modulation, I could only <i>hope</i> it was the nightingale.