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Sir John Enderby, aw loove thee better than the King, an' aw loove thee better than my Lord Rippin'dale-ay, theere's a sour heart in a goodly body!" John Enderby reined up his horse and looked the stilt-walker in the face. "Are you little Tom Dowsby?" exclaimed he. "Are you that scamp?" He laughed all at once as though he had not a trouble in the world. "And do you keep up your evil practices?

"Am I too roough? Tall mae tall mae." "No," she whispered. He pushed back her hat from her forehead, kissing her hair. She took off her hat and flung it on the floor. His voice came fast and thick. "Kiss mae back ef yo loove mae." She kissed him. She stiffened and leaned back in the crook of his arm that held her. His senses swam.

I coom back to thot. Yo think I'm joost a roough man thot caann't understand yo. But I do. I couldn't bae roough with yo, Ally, anny more than Nad, oop yon, could bae roough wi' t' lil laambs." He was lying flat on his back now, with his arms stretched out above his head. He stared up at the rafters as he went on. "Yo wouldn't bae freetened o' mae ef yo looved mae as I loove yo."

Then followed a scene of wild confusion. The woman ran out into the Bourg, calling loudly that the Count was slain. In the midst of the uproar some of the royal household fled in terror, while others who entered the church were butchered by the Erembalds, who next attacked the Loove, and, having pillaged it, rushed over Bruges, slaughtering without mercy all who dared to oppose them.

Jorrocks then delivered himself of a most emphatic grace. The wine and dessert being placed on the table, the ceremony of drinking healths all round was performed. "Your good health, Mrs. J . Belinda, my loove, your good health wish you a good 'usband. Nimrod, your good health. James Green, your good health. Old verd antique's good health. Your uncle's good health. All the Green family.

"To loove to play at Dice To sware his blood and hart To face it with a Ruffins look And set his Hat athwart." The humorists throw a good deal of light on such "yong Jyntelmen."

"What is it, Ally? What is it, loove?" She looked up at him. "I don't know, Jim. But I think I'm afraid." "What are you afraid of?" She thought a moment. "I'm afraid of father." "Yo med bae ef yo staayed with him. Thot's why I want yo t' coom to mae." He looked at her. "'Tisn' thot yo're afraid of. 'Tis soomthin' alse thot yo wawn't tall mae." "Well I think I'm a little bit afraid of this house.

He ruld by lawe and listened not to arte, Those foes to truthe loove, hate, and private gain, Which most corrupt, his conscience could not staine."

But already some poor men were waiting in the courtyard of the Loove, to whom Charles gave alms on his way to early Mass in the Church of St. Donatian. Then he went along a private passage which led into the church, and knelt in prayer before the Lady Altar.

Who ever heard o' the loike o' that, noo? Give us thee hond agean, yoongster! Beatten schoolmeasther! Dang it, I loove thee for 't!" Finally, and as the perfecting touch of tenderness between the two cousins, then unknown to each other as such, in the early morning light at Boroughbridge, we caught a glimpse of Nicholas and Smike passing, hand in hand, out of the old barn together.