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Two years later Jean passed first at the examination, and left Fontainebleau with the right of choosing among the vacant places. There was one in the regiment quartered at Souvigny, and Souvigny was three miles from Longueval. Jean asked for this, and obtained it.

Looking through my glasses I could see the portion of the open knoll stretching from Longueval to High Wood which was to be the object of the most extensive effort since July 1st. As yet, except in trench raids over narrow fronts, there had been no attempt to rush a long line under cover of darkness because of the difficulty of the different groups keeping touch and identifying their objectives.

Did they recognize me? When will you take me to Longueval? Answer me." "Answer? Yes. But which question first?" "The last." "When shall I take you to Longueval?" "Yes." "Well, in ten days; they don't want to see any one just now." "Then you are not going back to Longueval for ten days?" "Oh, I shall go back to-day at four o'clock. But I don't count, you know. Jean Reynaud, the Cure's godson.

That evening the village was ours, and the next day they placed in the cemetery of Villersexel the body of Dr. Reynaud. Two months later the Abbe Constantin took back to Longueval the coffin of his friend, and behind the coffin, when it was carried from the church, walked an orphan. Jean had also lost his mother.

We were now immediately to follow them into battle, for next day a fleet of motor-'buses bore us south to the crowded village of Senlis behind the Ovillers La Boisselle Sector of the Somme front. The successful night attack of July 14th had eaten into the third German line between Longueval and Bazentin-le-Petit on a front of some three miles.

Bettina awoke very early, rose, and ran immediately to the window. The evening before, the sky had looked threatening, heavy with clouds. Bettina slept but little, and all night prayed that it might not rain the next day. In the early morning a dense fog enveloped the park of Longueval, the trees of which were hidden from view, as by a curtain.

"Then you are not going back to Longueval for ten days?" "Oh, I shall go back to-day at four o'clock. But I don't count, you know. Jean Reynaud, the Cure's godson. That is why I have penetrated so easily into the confidence of these two charming women. I have presented myself under the patronage and with the guarantee of the Church.

I should like very much, the first time I dine at Longueval, that you would dine with me, and you, too, Monsieur Jean, just us four alone like to-day. Oh! do not refuse my invitation; it is given with all my heart." "And accepted as heartily," replied Jean. "I will write and tell you the day, and it shall be as soon as possible. You call that having a housewarming, don't you?

Through Longueval and Delville Wood, where the graves of the Highlanders and South Africans now lie thick, through Flers and Martinpuich, through Pozieres and Courcelette, they had fought their way, till they had reached the ridge, with High Wood at its summit, which the Boche, not altogether unreasonably, had regarded as impregnable.

The poor Abbe was indeed sad; he had scarcely closed an eye all night he who generally slept so easily, so quietly, the sound sleep of a child. His soul was wrung. Longueval in the hands of a foreigner, of a heretic, of an adventuress! Jean repeated what Paul had said the evening before. "You will have money, plenty of money, for your poor." "Money! money!