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All the panes of our windows in the front room were in a blaze of light by the time the mob returned through the street. The night passed without further disturbance. 'As early as we could the next morning we left Longford, and returned homewards, all danger from rebels being now over, and the Rebellion having been terminated by the late battle.

Longford and Bugler Wright were severely wounded. Longley and Short had escaped before the first bombs exploded in the dug-out, but the remaining survivors, the Sergeant-Major, Lance Corporal Rowbotham, Roberts and myself were all partially gassed and hardly responsible for further action.

Half an hour afterwards, as we were quietly sitting in the portico, we heard as we thought close to us a clap of thunder, which shook the house. The officer soon afterwards returned, almost speechless; he could hardly explain what had happened. The ammunition cart, containing nearly three barrels of gunpowder, packed in tin cases, took fire and burst, halfway on the road to Longford.

'Well, then, say, "Hitting off the scent like a workman" big H, you know, for a fresh sentence "they went away again at score, and passing by Moorlinch farm buildings, and threading the strip of plantation by Bexley Burn, he crossed Silverbury Green, leaving Longford Hutch to the right, and passing straight on by the gibbet at Harpen."

He stood where she had left him, surveying the garden in front of him with absolute complacency. Mr. Marius Longford joined him. "Well?" said the light of the Savage and Savile tentatively. "Well! She is the same ungovernable termagant as ever conceited little puss! But she always amuses me that's one consolation!" He laughed, and taking out his cigar-case, opened it. "Will you have one?"

Lady Longford showed us a picture of Lady Wellington and her children; they are beautiful, and she says very like Lady Wellington is not like: it is absurd to attempt to draw Lady Wellington's face; she has no face, it is all countenance.

The independence of Limerick city, of Tipperary, Cork, Kilkenny, Longford, and other important constituencies, was secured.

The castle, although much altered, dates from 1590, and contains a famous collection of paintings and is especially rich in Holbein's works. Perhaps the most celebrated of the many treasures housed at Longford is the "Imperial Steel Chair," once the property of the emperor Rudulf II. It is one of the most elaborate specimens of metal work in England.

I know that on every important occasion of my father's life, where he was called upon to judge or act, long after Lord Longford was no more, his example and opinions seemed constantly present to him; he delighted in the recollection of instances of his friend's sound judgment, honour, and generosity; these he applied in his own conduct, and held up to the emulation of his children.

All the etchings and their copies give a characteristic presentation of the spiritual precursor of Luther, who pricked the false image with his rapier which the sturdy monk slashed with his broadsword. What a face it is which Hans Holbein has handed down to us in this wonderful portrait at Longford Castle!