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Roscommon had boycotted a Longford man who had taken willow rods to sell because he had not a Land League ticket, and a Longford smith in reprisal would not set the shoe on the horse of a Roscommon man unless he had a Land League ticket. When the gentleman explained that he had bought five hundred of those same rods from that same man the smith attended to the horse, and the boycotting was over.

S.C. Hall's is perhaps the best picture extant of the family life at Edgeworthstown. She says: * Our principal object, in Longford County, was to visit Edgeworthstown, and to spend some time in the society of Miss Edgeworth.

It is true the songs of "Carolan the Blind," were sung in Gaelic by the Longford firesides, where the author of "the Deserted Village" listened to their exquisite melody, moulding his young ear to a sense of harmony full as exquisite; but the glory of the Gaelic muse was past.

But Maryllia Vancourt needs no paint, she can afford to be natural. Is that the parson?" Walden was just entering the room, and Longford put up his glasses. "Yes," he replied "That is the parson. He is not without character." Roxmouth became suddenly interested.

Willie Redmond, who never lacked instinct, and whose separation from party politics by conditions of service gave him a vantage-ground of detachment, reached a shrewd view of the position before the Longford vacancy occurred.

"I think," said Mr. Longford, with a pale smile "that according to the school of the higher criticism, we must admit the natural to be the only divine." Gigue's rolling eyes gleamed under his shaggy hair. "Je ne comprends pas!" he said "Ven ze pig squeak, c'est naturel ce n'est pas divin! Ven ze man scratch ze flea, c'est naturel ce n'est pas divin! Ze art ne desire pas ze picture of ze flea!

Rochfort to Longford; but it was detained, and she did not reach us till the next morning, when we learned from her that the rebels had not come up to the house.

The course of true love never did run smooth that's the advice of what's-his-name Shakespeare. Ha- ha! By the bye, what's become of that poet acquaintance of yours, Longford? Oughtn't HE to have known something about this? Didn't you tell him to keep a sharp look-out on Maryllia Van, eh?" Longford reddened slightly under his pale yellow skin.

The men took no part in this detective business, but nevertheless were keenly inquisitive in their own line, more bets being given and taken freely on what was likely to be the upshot of affairs. Meanwhile, Lord Roxmouth and Mr. Longford, sometimes accompanied by Sir Morton Pippitt, and sometimes without him, called often, but Maryllia was always out.

Many remarkable specimens of German carving are to be met with in Augsburg, Aschaffenburg, Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Gotha, Munich, Manheim, Nuremberg, Ulm, Regensburg, and other old German towns. Although made of steel, the celebrated chair at Longford Castle in Wiltshire is worthy of some notice as a remarkable specimen of German Renaissance.