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The blessing of her father, uttered by his long-loved lips, had descended on her brow, and been sealed with his passionate embrace.

"One sweet thought still has power o'er me, In this my heart's great need; 'Tis, that I ne'er was false to thee, Dear friend, in word or deed: I own that nobler virtues fill Thy heart, love only mine; Yet why are all thy looks so chill Till they on others shine? "Oh! long-loved friend, I marvel much Thy heart is so severe, That it will yield not to the touch Of love and sorrow's tear.

The shock to Nancy's mingled pride and ignorance of the world's evil might even be too much for her delicate frame. Since he had married her with that secret on his heart, he must keep it there to the last. Whatever else he did, he could not make an irreparable breach between himself and this long-loved wife.

Lizzie, who, terrified at these startling words, had stood like a statue, sprang forward when the pale hand pushed back the hair and revealed the scar, exclaiming: "Is it you, my long-loved Leah, my own Leah Mordecai? In pity's name, why this disguise? Why this cruel deception upon me, upon your faithful Lizzie, whose heart, like your own, has been wounded and bleeding so long?

When she saw him coming up the garden-walk, leaning on the arm of her Felipe, on the afternoon of the very day which was the earliest possible day for the Indians to arrive, it was not strange that she felt, mingled with the joy of her greeting to her long-loved friend and confessor, a triumphant exultation that the saints had heard her prayers. In the kitchen all was bustle and stir.