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How familiar the portraits, and wide fireplaces, and deers' antlers. The pictures of hawking scenes, with ladies and gentlemen in the queerest costumes; the engravings of famous race-horses, hanging between guns, bird-bags and fishing-rods in the wide hall these were not mere dead objects, but old and long-loved acquaintances.

To know that his long-loved and still-beloved Edith, whose image had filled his mind for so many years, was on the point of marriage to his early rival, who had laid claim to her heart by so many services as hardly left her a title to refuse his addresses, bitter as the intelligence was, yet came not as an unexpected blow. During his residence abroad he had once written to Edith.

How should I stumble? wherefore should I fear temptation? Alas! I became confessor to a sisterhood, and amongst that sisterhood I found the long-loved the long-lost. Spare me further confession!

It is easier to drive the mighty river from its long-loved bed than the soul from the normal state of its gratified tendencies. "The heart," says St. Liguori, "where passion reigns, has become a crystal vase filled with earth no longer penetrated by the rays of the sun."

So, too, is that early venerated long-loved friend, together with whom I edited a work which, more perhaps than any other, caused disturbance and annoyance in the Anglican world, Froude's Remains; yet, however judgments might run as to the prudence of publishing it, I never heard any one impute to Mr. Keble the very shadow of dishonesty or treachery towards his Church in so acting.

He was mistaken; his affection was her only support; without this dear prop she had sunk into the grave of her lost long-loved friend; his attention snatched her from despair. Inscrutable are the ways of Heaven! The third day Mary was desired to prepare herself; for if the wind continued in the same point, they should set sail the next evening.

Ye birds! whose liquid warblings far and near Make music to the green turf-board of swains; To me, your light lays tell of April joy, Of pleasures idle, as a long-loved toy; And while my heart in unison complains, Tears like of balm-tree flow in trickling wave, And white forms strew with flowers a maid's untimely grave! New Monthly Mag. "If I could see him, it were well with me!"

Silas's face showed that sort of transfiguration, as he sat in his arm-chair and looked at Eppie. She had drawn her own chair towards his knees, and leaned forward, holding both his hands, while she looked up at him. On the table near them, lit by a candle, lay the recovered gold the old long-loved gold, ranged in orderly heaps, as Silas used to range it in the days when it was his only joy.

What if her long-loved girlish dreams should be quenched at once if Mr. Vanbrugh's stern dictum should be that she had no talent, and never could become an artist at all! "Well, then, don't be frightened, my dear girl. Let me see your sketches. I do know a little about such things, though Michael thinks I don't," said Miss Meliora.

When Childe Harold was printed, he sent me a quarto copy before the publication; a favour and distinction I have always prized; and the copy which he gave me of The Bride of Abydos was one he had prepared for a new edition, and which contains, in his own writing, these six lines in no other copy: Bless'd as the Muezzin's strain from Mecca's wall To pilgrims pure and prostrate at his call, Soft as the melody of youthful days That steals the trembling tear of speechless praise, Sweet as his native song to exile's ears Shall sound each tone thy long-loved voice endears.