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The king Janamejaya of the Bharata race was himself pleased, and on the Ritwiks with the Sadasyas, and on all who had come there, the king, bestowed money by hundreds and thousands. And unto Suta Lohitaksha conversant with the rules of building and foundations who had at the commencement said that a Brahmana would be the cause of the interruption of the snake-sacrifice, the king gave much wealth.

The king Janamejaya of the Bharata race was himself pleased, and on the Ritwiks with the Sadasyas, and on all who had come there, the king, bestowed money by hundreds and thousands. And unto Suta Lohitaksha conversant with the rules of building and foundations who had at the commencement said that a Brahmana would be the cause of the interruption of the snake-sacrifice, the king gave much wealth.

"Sauti continued, 'The illustrious Suta named Lohitaksha also, conversant with the Puranas, had said so before. "Asked by the king on the present occasion he again told the monarch, 'Sire, it is even so as the Brahmanas have said Knowing the Puranas, I say, O monarch, that Indra hath granted him this boon, saying, 'Dwell with me in concealment, and Agni shall not burn thee.

The lord Brahman then, with a gratified heart, gave unto Skanda four companions, possessed of great might, endued with speed like that of the wind, crowned with ascetic success, and gifted with energy which they could increase at will. They were named Nandisena and Lohitaksha and Ghantakarna and Kumudamalin.

"Sauti continued, 'The illustrious Suta named Lohitaksha also, conversant with the Puranas, had said so before. "Asked by the king on the present occasion he again told the monarch, 'Sire, it is even so as the Brahmanas have said Knowing the Puranas, I say, O monarch, that Indra hath granted him this boon, saying, 'Dwell with me in concealment, and Agni shall not burn thee.

It is derived from krish which implies to be, and na meaning final Emancipation or cessation of existence; the compound probably means One in whom every attribute has been extinguished; hence, absence of change, of sorrow, of gift, etc., or, eternal and highest joy. Lohitaksha is Red-eyed, from His eyes being of the hue of polished copper.