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"Dere vas vonce a grade lady," he said, coming up closer to them, "who vas so good, and so lofly, and so sveet, that no vone who saw her could help lofing her; and she vas glad to help ev'y vone, and gif to ev'y vone, and she vas so rich and vise dat she could help and gif a great deal. "And dere vas a poor boy who vas stupid and homely and poor, and he did nodings for any vone.

Himmel, I haf enjoyed myself!” sighed the exhausted Baron. The Baron and Mr Bunker discussed a twelve o’clock breakfast with the relish of men who had done a good night’s work. The Baron was full of his exploits. “Ze lofly Lady Hiltonand his newfriendsseemed to have made a vivid impression. “Zey vill be in ze Park to-day, of course?” he suggested.

The Baron smiled a little foolishly. “I haf ze illusions, I fear.” Then he broke out enthusiastically, “Ach, bot is she not lofly, Bonker? If she will bot lof me back I shall be ze happiest man out of heaven!” “You have wasted no time, Baron.” The Baron shook his head in melancholy pleasure. “You are quite sure it is really love this time?” his friend pursued.

A von Blitzenberg does not mate viz every vun.” “A good many families have made the same remark, but one does not always meet the fathers-in-law.” “Ha, ha! ve shall see. Bot, Bonker, she is lofly!” The Baron awaited dinner with even more than his usual ardour. He dressed with the greatest care, and at an absurdly early hour was already urging his friend to come down and take their places.