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MARCUS. "But you respected this one enough to adopt his suggestions." THE INVENTOR. "So the magistrate uses hints that may be furnished him by professional thieves, for the detection of crime. But he, none the less, loathes those who would inform upon their comrades." MARCUS. "You believe, therefore, only what you have seen or heard for yourself." THE INVENTOR. "Nothing further, I assure you.

Knight, the cashier of the South-Sea company, being seized at Tirlemont by the vigilance of Mr. Gandot, secretary to Mr. Loathes the British resident at Brussels, was confined in the citadel of Antwerp.

It woke in him the bitterness of the orphan dependant, who feels himself a burden and loathes his dependence.

Albert turned, but the moment he did so the dog made a dash at his legs, so he was obliged to turn back again and kick violently. "Oh, I am so glad it is you," said the voice again. "I was sure it was a dreadful tramp. Googoo loathes tramps." As an article of diet that meant, probably.

"Very well," Geoffrey blundered on, "every penny you have is made out of prostitution, out of the sale of women to men. You saw the Yoshiwara, you saw the poor women imprisoned there, you know that any drunken beast can come and pay his money down and say, 'I want that girl, and she has to give herself up to be kissed and pulled about by him, even if she hates him and loathes him.

He represents him as endeavoring earnestly and long to feel the force of obligation, and as toiling sedulously to school himself into virtue, by the bare power, by the dead lift, of duty. But the longer he tries, the more he loathes the restraints of law. Virtue, instead of growing lovely to him, becomes more and more severe, austere, and repellant.

Give me one good reason for her folly, and I will forgive her do anything for her! anything but let her have the rascal! That I WILL NOT! Take for your son-in-law an ape that loathes your money, calls it filthy lucre and means it! Not if I can help it! Don't let me see her! I shall come to hate her! and that I would rather not; a man must love and cherish his own flesh!

But you know you hate publicity vulgar scandal. Nobody loathes it as you do. 'It doesn't seem to matter now so much, Edith said. 'It's the war. 'Well, whatever's the cause, all I can tell you is that I'm beginning to think I shall do it! I want to!... I can't bear to refuse again. I haven't seen him since our talk. I changed gradually, alone, just thinking. And then you say

"How did you guess?" she exclaimed. "Oh! I always knew it. I didn't guess." And she smiled ever so faintly. "That is one of the reasons why she loathes me so," she added. Lucia thought deeply for a moment: she recognized, all at once, several things she had been mystified by before. "Oh, it is! It is!" she said. "And she has thought of it all the time, when I never suspected her."

Tennyson, in his "Dream of Fair Women," makes Iphigenia thus describe her feelings at the moment of sacrifice: "I was cut off from hope in that sad place, Which yet to name my spirit loathes and fears; My father held his hand upon his face; I, blinded by my tears, "Still strove to speak; my voice was thick with sighs, As in a dream.