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To what intent then do you contemn large lupuses? Because truly these are by nature bulky, and those very light. A hungry stomach seldom loathes common victuals. O that I could see a swingeing mullet extended on a swingeing dish! cries that gullet, which is fit for the voracious harpies themselves. In the judgment of Ofellus, a sordid way of living will differ widely from frugal simplicity.

I'm not going into this because I want to, but to save this man from the den of wolves into which he has fallen. If you knew how I despise and hate you, how my whole soul loathes you, maybe you wouldn't be so eager to go on with it! You'll get nothing out of this but the pleasure of torturing a girl who can't defend herself." "We'll see about that," he answered doggedly.

"And I'm sure Lady Carfax doesn't either," she added. But at that Nap set his teeth. "My child, you don't chance to know Lady Carfax as I do. Moreover, suppose the man doesn't chance to be a good sort and loathes the very word 'duty'? It brings down the house of cards rather fast, eh?" An older woman might have been discouraged; experience would probably have sadly acquiesced.

Surely a man may keep clear of the thing he loathes! For my own honor," he added, with a curl of his lip, "I shall at least do nothing disgraceful, however I may fall short of the angelic." "I doubt," murmured Molly, "whether a man is a man until he knows God." But Walter, if he heard the words, neither heeded nor answered them.

For though as a fellow-creature she sympathizes with, and pities me, and even weeps for me, as a husband she cannot endure me she loathes me there's no use in mincing words she loathes me, and my only manly, and dignified, and merciful course is to complete what I have begun... And for worldly reasons, too, it will be better for her to be independent.

And their opposite, arising from evil deeds, ugly and disgusting things, misleading experiences and suffering, become unified into various forms of Evil. Man seeks the Good, hates Evil, esteems himself when he conforms to the ideal, loathes himself when he violates it. He cannot judge himself; he wishes to know the judgment of others and accepts or rejects that judgment.

"I shall be late to dinner, and Dong Ling loathes anybody who's late to his meals as I found out to my sorrow the night we got home. Good-by, dear. I'll be out soon again and fix it all up about the Annex, you know." And with a bright smile she was gone. "Dear me," sighed Aunt Hannah, stooping to pick up the black shawl; "dear me!

Magee, "I I'll have a talk with Peters. To be quite frank, I anticipate trouble. You see, the Hermit of Baldpate doesn't approve of women " "Don't approve of women," cried Mrs. Norton, her green eyes flashing. "Why not, I'd like to know?" "My dear madam," responded Mr. Magee, "only echo answers, and it but vacuously repeats, 'Why not?. That, however, is the situation. Mr. Peters loathes the sex.

"What does that renegade want?" "Can't you guess?" "Why, I'd rather " The young man ground his teeth, but Cherry hastened. "You needn't worry; she won't see him again. She loathes the ground he walks on." "And yet he's no worse than that other scoundrel. Come, girl, we have work to do; we must act, and act quickly."

After a moment he gave her the further impression of having become sure enough of her to be able very gracefully to say out: "You know your mother loathes you, loathes you simply. And I've been thinking over your precious man the fellow you told me about." "Well," Maisie replied with competence, "I'm sure of HIM." Her father was vague for an instant. "Do you mean sure of his liking you?"