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Where is that from?" "It's from the R-Revelation." "Oh, je m'en souviens, oui, l'Apocalypse. Lisez, lisez, I am trying our future fortunes by the book. I want to know what has turned up. Read on from there...." "'And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

In Octave Mirbeau's notorious novel, a novel which it would be complimentary to describe as naturalistic, the heroine is warned by her director against the works of Anatole France, "Ne lisez jamais du Voltaire. . . C'est un peche mortel . . . ni de Renan . . . ni de l'Anatole France. Voila qui est dangereux."

Over the above text, the Catholic priest wrote, "Lisez avee soin les Ecritures, mais ne les explicuez point d'apres vos lumieres," and immediately following my name, which I had put at the bottom of the cover: "Si quelquun nécoute pas l'Eglise regardez le comme un Paién, et un Publicain."

Si vous racontez, ou lisez, ou entreprenez d'en prouuer par raisonnements quoy que ce soit, tranchez-le-court, & particulierement quand le suiet en est peu important, ou quand vous reconnoissez les dégousts qu'en ont les Auditeurs.

Lisez l'histoire De la rue de Quincampoix. But the person who had gained most by this affair is Dantin, who is horridly avaricious.

"Vous lisez mes livres, un peu sans doute pour faire plaisir au vieux Papa, mais je crois reellement qu'ils vous seront utiles a cause de la simplicite du style et de la clarte que j'ai toujours cherchees. Ces qualites m'ont gagne de nombreux lecteurs, mais en meme temps m'ont prive de toute reputation de profondeur. En Angleterre on classe tous les ecrivains clairs, comme ecrivains superficiels."

Lisez l'histoire De la rue de Quincampoix. But the person who had gained most by this affair is Dantin, who is horridly avaricious.

Mad. de Rosier started up; and Matilda, surprised at her sudden emotion, put the box and magnifying glass into her hand. Madame de Rosier's hand trembled so much that she could not fix the glass. "Je ne vois rien lisez vite! ma chere amie un mot de plus!" said she, putting the glass again into Matilda's hand, and leaning over her shoulder with a look of agonizing expectation.

Sophia it resembles in so many ways.... fine place to radio from to friends at Odessa ... especially if the NUN has been obeying orders.... Lvov is out of the way, over in the city prison, cooking, where he can't betray the prisoners at Ipatiev's.... When I was alone with my Imperial prisoner I tore the patch off from my shirt sleeve and handed it to him.... 'Sa lettre! he exclaimed in an undertone.... His manner was exceedingly polite.... 'Ouvrez, lisez, I advised.... 'Oui, oui, je sais! je sais! he said softly, 'mais malheureusement cela est impossible!... 'Soak it in water', I replied.... 'Et vous, monsieur, êtes-vous américain ou français? he came back.... 'Je suis a Paris, mais je suis américain, and if the prisoner has no objection I'd rather speak in English.... 'That will be delightful, he said; 'I shall do as you say.... He ran back to the bathroom.

Lisez l'histoire De la rue de Quincampoix. But the person who had gained most by this affair is Dantin, who is horridly avaricious.