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You tellee allee 'boutee. But makee um stay light here till Misler Charlie or Misler Jim come." "All right, Hop," Anna answered. "We will do just as you say. But where is Charlie?" "He in um cave." "What!" "He come in light after me, so be. He waitee to git tee lillee chance to git tee Misler Wild outee." The girls understood. Just then the walking miners from the camp came in sight.

"Me showee velly nicee lillee tlick," spoke up Hop, nodding pleasantly. The Chinaman was quite sure that Young Wild West suspected that the man was not altogether right, for he was a keen observer and an attentive listener. That made him decide to make a victim of him, if he could. Hop had thought out a brand new trick with a deck of cards, and he was all fixed to work it on somebody.

"Me lun backee takee him safee," the younger of the Eastern adventurers went on, pointing to his father. "Then me makee walkee all alonk you, takee you back same placee you comee from. Little white devils waitee for you on ce load. You comee with? Not? Lillee girlee not cly. John givee her one piecee pletty-pletty. Come makee talkee with the House Lady."

"He takee lillee tlip to huntee uppee some outlaws, so be," answered the Chinaman. "Me likee havee lillee tanglefoot; len me go outee huntee, too, so be." "Is that so? Well, I don't know how much of a hunter you are, but if yer are as good at it as yer are with ther cards you'll make out all right, I reckon." "Lat light."

Well, I never yet chucked dice with a Chinee; but blamed if I don't do it jest this once. What's it goin' ter be, fur all hands?" "Lat light; allee samee all hands gittee lillee dlink. If me lose me pay; if you lose you allee samee givee um dlinks." "Good!" The saloon keeper brought out the dice, and, shaking them in the leather box, rolled them out. "There yer are!" he said, exultantly.

So he put down the bags. The man stood a few yards away, watchfully. Aaron looked down at the woman and tried to make out something of what she was saying, but could not. The dogs still barked spasmodically, drops fell from the tall, dark trees that rose overhead. "Is Mr. Lilly here? Mr. Lilly?" he asked. "Signor Lillee. No, Signore " And off the woman went in Italian.

"That's a nice lot of trash fur a galoot ter have in his pockets," he declared, looking at the pile in disgust. "What are you doing with a dead mouse in your pockets?" "Me feel lat me might git tee hungly some time, and len me have lillee bite to eatee," replied Hop, looking very innocent. The outlaws grinned at this.

If there was anything that the Chinaman liked it was to do something that met with the approval of Young Wild West. After he had once got it into his head that he wanted to go Hop grew very restless. Finally he turned to the cook and said: "Me go takee lillee walk thlough um pass, so be, my blother." "Misler Wild say you, allee samee stay here, so be," was the reply. "Lat allee light.

"I lose the hundred, that's all," he exclaimed. "But I'll bet another hundred he can't work that trick again!" Hop smiled. "You allee samee watched too muchee," he said. "You bet I would watch." The cards were laid on the table by him, and Hop picked them up in an offhanded way. "Here um nicee lillee tlick," he said, as he ran the cards up his arm in a long string. "Evelybody no do lat, so be."

Wing acted as though he was disgusted, but a sorrowful look from his brother soon brought him around. "Me no tellee Misler Charlie," he said. "Allee light. Now me go to um saloon and git tee lillee dlop of tanglefoot; len me go and havee lillee look alound up Forbiddee Passee, so be." Hop was not long in getting ready. Without another word he set out for the saloon.