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The Pasha wore the Nizam dress, and the Nishan Iftihar; Baron Lieven, the Russian Commissioner, in the uniform of a general, glittered with innumerable orders; Colonel Philippovich, a man of distinguished talents, represented Austria.

This charter would have been conclusive in the present emergency, had it not labored under the disadvantage of never having existed. It was supposed by many that the magistrates, some of whom were favorable to government, had hidden the document. Lieven Pyl, an ex-senator, was supposed to be privy to its concealment.

Lieven, before returning home, urged Monroe to act with promptitude, for that he might expect a severe lesson if the new commander once succeeded in collecting an army. The city of Kilkenny, which had become the capital of the Confederacy, was favourably placed for the direction of the war in Leinster and Munster.

See Correspondence of Princess Lieven and Earl Grey for Lord Grey's opinion, vol. i. p. 60. Dr. William Van Mildert had been appointed to the See of Durham in 1826 on the death of Dr. Shute Barrington. He died in 1836. Admiral Sir John Beresford had some few years before this commanded on the Leith Station when Sir Walter and he saw a great deal of each other "and merry men were they."

He was certainly not an ordinary miser; and his passion covered, no doubt, extreme enjoyments and secret conceptions. "What is the present rate of Venetian sequins?" he said abruptly to his future apprentice. "Three-quarters at Brussels; one in Ghent." "What is the freight on the Scheldt?" "Three sous parisis." "Any news at Ghent?" "The brother of Lieven d'Herde is ruined." "Ah!"

The Calvary is a splendid canvas, full of movement and containing several members of the well-known Rubens family. Such devotion is touching. You find yourself looking for Isabella Brandt and Helena Fourment among the angels that hover in the sky above the martyred St. Lieven. There are nearly a dozen Van Dycks, of prime quality all.

Drummond Burrell, now Lady Willoughby, the Princess Esterhazy, and the Countess Lieven. The most popular amongst these grandes dames was unquestionably Lady Cowper, now Lady Palmerston.

When the dessert appeared, the Prince rose with a creaming glass of champagne in his hand, and proposed the health of the Sultan, acknowledged by the Pasha; and then, after a short pause, the health of Czar Nicolay Paulovich, acknowledged by Baron Lieven; then came the health of other crowned heads. Baron Lieven now rose, and proposed the health of the Prince.

The Duke says he shall bring Lièven to the point about this, and generally about their views. He feels the Government is stronger now than it was that the country is stronger, and we may insist more. He says the question is, 'Shall we permit the ruin of the Turkish Empire? I have long felt that to be the case, and to that I answer 'No. We had some conversation as to the charter.

The Tories look to our conduct upon this question as the touchstone. Drawing-room. The King, as yesterday, very civil to the Brunswickers and taking no notice of our friends. He took particular notice of the Brazilians. Madame de Lièven is endeavouring to form a Government with the Duke of Cumberland, the Ultra-Tories, the Canningites, and some Whigs. The King is very Russian.