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Of Many who were Swallowed up by the Earth, and how the rest were Converted unto God. But the heart of Leogaire was hardened, as was formerly the heart of Pharao before Moses against the commands of the Lord. For though so many miracles had been wrought, he feared not to provoke the high God, and to offend his servant Patrick.

And Leogaire had two brothers, the elder of whom was named Coyrbre, like unto him in cruelty and unbelief, if, indeed, any one could in that country be found like him, who contemned and condemned the law of the Most High; and the younger was named Conallus, who retained no more of his birth than does the fish of the sea or the rose of the thorn.

And being asked by Patrick who he had been, he replied that he was the son of Chaiis, by name Glarcus, formerly a swineherd of the King Leogaire; and that when he was an hundred years of age, he was slain in an ambush by a certain man named Fynnan Mac Con.

Of the Virgins who went unto Heaven. And of Leogaire were born two daughters, like roses growing in a rose-bed. And the one was of a ruddy complexion, and she was called Ethne; and the other was fair, and she was called Fedella; and they were educated by these magicians.

Of the Poison mingled in the Wine. But the King Leogaire, fermenting with the gall of wickedness and deceit, knowing and marvelling how often the saint had escaped his snares, turned himself to other inventions, and whom he could not slay with the sword he plotted to destroy with poison.

But when the monarch, Leogaire, being then with his attendants at Teomaria, then the chief court of the kingdom of all Ireland, beheld the fire that was lighted by Saint Patrick, he marvelled, and was enraged, and enquired who had thus presumed.

But the chief King of Ireland, named Leogaire, the son of Neyll, recollecting the prophecy, gave command unto his subjects that as soon as Patrick should land they should forthwith expel him from the country.

Leogaire, a man of leonine fierceness, with a high and swelling heart, rose above himself in the pride of his exploits, for that he seemed to himself to hold the land by the strength of his arm and the firmness of his valor.

And the Spirit revealed this unto the saint, and he disclosed it unto Dichu, and advised him to seek from Leogaire the respite of at least ten days until Patrick should appear before him.

And the King Leogaire, being devoted to the worship of devils, with a great part of his people who much desired to please him adored a certain idol magnificently formed of silver and gold, and which was raised in a field called Maghfleidh. And the idol was named Ceancroithi that is, the head of all the gods, for that it was by that foolish people accounted to utter responses.