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"Instead o' lazin' thar behind the counter when your father ain't here to see ye, John," remarked Billings from the depths of his armchair a few moments after Harkutt had ridden away, "ye orter be bustlin' round, dustin' the shelves. Ye'll never come to anythin' when you're a man ef you go on like that.

On the first hand Aunt Dilsey was very sensitive, for being naturally active and stirring herself, "She," to use her own words, "couldn’t bar to see folks lazin’ round like thar was nothin’ to do, but to git up and stuff themselves till they’s fit to bust." She also felt annoyed whenever her young master indulged himself in a morning nap. "Ought to be up," she said, "and airin’ hisself."

Burton, we can't have him lazin' behind, 'cause when he does get back his eyes we don't want him to be too far behind his class." "But what if he doesn't ever get his eyes", Susan?" "Then he'll need it all the more. But he's goin' to get 'em, Mr. Burton. Don't you remember? The nurse said if he got well an' strong he could have somethin' done. I've got the doctor, an' all I need now is the money.

"Breakfast was produced on the spot; cold salt pork, onions, and hard biscuit forming the principal dishes, washed down by nothing weaker than the pure ardent! Not long, however, did fat Tom permit us to enjoy our ease. "'Come, boys," he shouted, "no lazin' here; no gormandizin' the worst part of our work's afore us; the old lame devil is afoot, and five miles off by now.

Fired by no tradition of the horse that went to the undoing of Troy, and with no plan before him, he set his framework together, nailing with unerring hand. Did he need a design, he who had brooded over his bliss these many months when Tiverton thought he was "jest lazin' round?" Nay, it was to be "all wrought out of the carver's brain," and the brain was ready.

"I thought we'd make them plans for Tarrytown," Cronk said presently. "We might as well get to work as to be lazin' about. Don't ye think so?" "Well, I were a thinkin' of stayin' here for awhile," stuttered Lem. "What for?" "Nothin' perticular." "Ye know where that rich duffer's house be what ye heard Middy Burnes speak about?" "Yep. It ain't far from the graveyard.

"Put it at Peebles," said I, making shift to pull the shawl close about my damning finery. "Peebles!" he said reflectively. "I've ne'er ventured so far as Peebles. I've contemplated it! But I was none sure whether I would like it when I got there. See here: I recommend ye no' to be lazin' ower the meat, gin ye'd drap in for the fun. A'm full late, mysel'!" He passed on. What could it mean?

I'm most darned glad as you've brought A ; you might have left that other critter to home, though, jest as well we doosn't want him blowin' out his little hide here; lazin' about, and doin' nothin' day nor night but eat and grumble; and drink, and drink, as if he'd got a meal-sack in his little guts.

Baron, "it seems but a little while ago that Chunk was working quietly in the garden." "En I reckon hit ain't much more'n two hours gone sence I seed 'im comin' out o' the cabin, lazin' and eatin' hoe-cake," added Perkins as he started angrily to obey his orders. "He had mischief in his mind, though, now I think of it." resumed Mrs.

Fired by no tradition of the horse that went to the undoing of Troy, and with no plan before him, he set his framework together, nailing with unerring hand. Did he need a design, he who had brooded over his bliss these many months when Tiverton thought he was "jest lazin' round?" Nay, it was to be "all wrought out of the carver's brain," and the brain was ready.