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Or, "Lawsy me, Miss Jinny, dat boy o' yo's is jes' natchelly bustin' outer da clo'es wid growin', ain't he? He jes' de spit o' he pa, bless 'im!" Which untoward confidence didn't seem to surprise our visitors. They had Mary Magdalens of their own.

"And they be grand folks, ye say?" said Polly Ann. "Grand folks, I reckon. And helpless as babes on the Wilderness Trail. They had two niggers his nigger an' hers and they was tuckered, too, fer a fact. "Lawsy!" exclaimed Polly Ann. "Be still, honey!"

But McAvoy dodged, Rad clapped his hands over his ears, and, even Ned Newton halted like a bird-dog at point. The bundle splashed into the barrel of water. It sank to the bottom. There was no explosion. When a few seconds had passed the group of excited men began to relax. The barrel was carried carefully to a neighboring field. "Fo' de lawsy sake!" gasped Rad, and got a full breath again.

Jack's been heah; he say he reck'n you's ben shot, kase you didn' come home no mo'; so I's jes' dis minute a startin' de raf' down towards de mouf er de crick, so's to be all ready for to shove out en leave soon as Jack comes agin en tells me for certain you IS dead. Lawsy, I's mighty glad to git you back again, honey."

"Hooray fo' de Cunnel!" he exclaimed, irrelevantly, to a little group of colored men who had been gathering. "Whatever he says yo' kin gamble on. Lawsy, ain't I glad I's got my money on Queen Bess? Golly, won't Marse Holton jes' feel cheap when he done heahs dis news? Seen him down dar in de pool-room, not so long ago, a-puttin' up his money plumb against Queen Bess.

After she had gone out, laughin' in her sneakin' way, Clem come back whar I wus at by the stove an' set down an' spit about two dozen times. Arter 'while he axed me ef I'd ever heerd the talk about his wife, an' I eased him all I could, but, lawsy me, you ort ter see 'im hop up an' bow an' scrape when old Sue comes in the store now.

The next morning she sent for Miss Trumbull to come to her room. She had no intention of asking her to sit down, but the woman did not wait to be invited. She took a chair and fanned herself with a palm leaf that she picked from the table. "Lawsy, but it's hot," she said. "I had a long argument with Miss Walker yesterday about New York State bein' hotter 'n down South, and she wouldn't believe it.

I'm ashamed to acknowledge so much interest in a horse-race, but it seems as if I can't wait to hear of the result." "Lawsy, I don't blame you, none; feel dat way mahse'f." "I must know the result the instant the race is decided." "Send yo' wuhd right off, Miss 'Lethe." "Oh, I can't wait for that.

Neb's spirits had instantly revived. Six inches droop was gone from his old shoulders. "It'll be de grandest race eber run in ol' Kentucky! Lawsy, Cunnel, won't it tickle you to death to see Queen Bess romp in a winnuh?" Instantly the Colonel's high elation faded. More than the droop which had been in Neb's shoulders now oppressed the horseman's. His face clouded. "There he goes, too!" he cried.

He had barely disappeared when a peal of laughter was heard from the hillside, and before Mandy could get out of the way, the youngsters came tumbling down the path again. "Lawsy, lawsy," she gasped, as Polly circled around her, dodging the children. "You'se cheeks is red as pineys, honey." "Tag! you're it!" Polly cried, as she touched the widow's auburn-haired offspring on the sleeve.