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You can't do it, because you're not under sixteen are you?" And the laughing blue eyes looked quizzically at the old darky. "Sixteen! Laws, chile, I's a mudder in Israel. I got chilluns and grandchilluns. I ain't been sixteen since I can 'member. But, lawsy, a young un of sixteen can't make no cake worth eatin'!" "But we can, if you teach us, Maria," said Dotty, with tactful flattery.

She used to sit and stare at her. "Seems so queer to see anyone as happy an' pretty as you," she broke out once. "Oh, Lawsy, I hope nothing won't ever come to spoil it. It hadn't ought to be spoiled." A month or so later Margery paid a visit to her home again. She stayed a longer time, but Susan only saw her once. She had come home from Boston with a cold and had been put to bed for a day or two.

He says: "I was a-listenin' to all de talk, en I slips into de river en was gwyne to shove for sho' if dey come aboard. Den I was gwyne to swim to de raf' agin when dey was gone. But lawsy, how you did fool 'em, Huck! Dat WUZ de smartes' dodge! I tell you, chile, I'spec it save' ole Jim ole Jim ain't going to forgit you for dat, honey." Then we talked about the money.

The cook's voice burst raucously she was peering with rolling eyes underneath the house. "Lawsy, Mr. Steve! Dat chile turnin' dat dawg loose!" The fastening clicked. The boy gasped, the dog sprang up. No chain jerked him back. He leaped past the cook, who held her wide skirts out as if to catch him in a net. He heard Earle call. He heard Lancaster laugh.

"My lawsy!" ejaculated Rhoda's father, "seems to me most of you fellers ain't fitted to take care of a saw horse, let alone a sure enough pony. Some of you will have to ride mules if you don't stop ruinin' my horseflesh." "Wal, Tumbleweed is right fidgety," complained the cowboy. "What do you want to ride somethin' broke to a side-saddle?" demanded the ranchman in disgust.

The abashed Pattie hung over the front gate and Buck grinned in the rear. "Lawsy me, child," Mrs. Hoover laughed and sobbed as she patted the singer lady on the back, little Hoover anywhere he came upmost and included Teether and Judy also in the demonstration, "I feel like it would take two to hold me down! You sure sing with as much style as you dress!

Ah membush dat we washed at de spring way, way fum de house. What dat yo say? Does ah know Ca'line. Ca'line, lawsy, me yes. Ca'line Washington we use tuh call huh, she wuz one uv Mr. Dumas niggers. We washed fuh de soldiers. Had tuh carry day clo'es tuh dem aftuh dark. Me an Ca'line had tuh carry dem. We had tuh hide de horse tuh keep de soldiers fum gittin him.

Forty-one year ago his heart first beat ag'in' mine, and it's beat true ever since." The other man rose to his feet, trying his limbs and stretching his muscles. "Then," said he, "if you was in my place and said that, and I was marshal, I'd say: 'Go free, and do your best to keep your promise." "Lawsy!" exclaimed the old woman, in a sudden flutter, "ef I didn't clear forget that trunk of mine!

"Yo' mean dat ar big sheet o' paper, jes' noth'n but quest'ns?" answered the young negro woman, who appeared at the door. "That's it," the boy answered, "is it all filled out and ready?" "Lawsy, no! Why, it would take me fo' eveh to do all that writin'. Ah'm no school-teacheh. An' besides, that's fo' fahmers. An' yo' have anotheh jes' like it!" she continued, noting the portfolio the boy carried.

A Navajo blanket had nothing on that suit for a mixture of colors, and Koku strutted like a turkey-gobbler. "My lawsy!" gasped Rad again, "he's as purty as a sunset. Is dat de way de tailors out here build a man up? Sure's yo live, Massa Tom, I needs a new suit of clo'es myself." And before he got away from Hendrickton, Rad Sampson sported a suit off the same piece of goods as that of Koku's.