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The last had been that when she had tripped on her train, dropped the salver wherewith she was serving the Queen, and broken out with a loud "Lawk a daisy!" all the ladies, and Margaret herself, had gone into fits of uncontrollable laughter, and the Queen had begged her to render her exclamation into good French for her benefit.

Jones subsided into silence. The back-door suddenly opened, not a couple of yards from that lady's head, and in came Mrs. Gum in her ordinary indoor dress, two basins in her hand. The sight of her visitor appeared to occasion her surprise; she uttered a faint scream, and nearly dropped the basins. "Lawk a mercy! Is it Lydia Jones?" Mrs.

A lady told me that, when she first came out, a servant asked her "How the boss liked his shirts done?" As Mrs. Moodie had not then enlightened the world on the subject of settlers' slang, the lady did not understand her, and asked what she meant by the "boss," to which she replied, "Why, lawk, missus, your hubby, to be sure."

Against this she plunged with wonderful violence for one so gentle and tender, and then hammered it with her knuckles in a way that would have done credit to a lightweight prize-fighter. The door was opened hastily by Liffie Lee, who, being a much lighter weight than her assailant, went down before her rush. "Lawk! Miss Ruth," she exclaimed, on recovering her feet, "w'at's a-'appened?"

My own position hourly became more ambiguous; indeed, had it not been for the monthly bills, I would have scarcely believed myself possessed of a house at all. To my despair, Mrs. Lawk had rented her house. Society was essential to her happiness; and society Mrs. Lawk was determined she should have.

And just as we stood up to depart, the white high-cauled cap and large sallow features of old L'Amour peeped in at the door. 'Lawk! what brings you here? cried Milly, nearly as much startled as I at the intrusion. 'What brings you here, miss? whistled L'Amour through her gums. 'We're looking where Charke cut his throat, replied Milly.

That night however, Charlie Brooke conceived a vast idea, and partially revealed it at the tea-table to Zook whose real name, by the way, was Jim Smith. "'Ave you found 'er, sir?" said Mrs Butt, putting the invariable, and by that time annoying, question as Charlie entered his lodging. "No, Mrs Butt, I haven't found 'er, and I don't expect to find 'er at all." "Lawk! sir, I'm so sorry."

Bolted in by flannel bandages, barred with a cambric shirt, locked up in towels, imprisoned in petticoats, and finally incarcerated in a dungeon of wrappers and shawls, from the first he had the appearance of an unhappy little convict. Mrs. Lawk invariably acted as chief jailer, and, taking him into custody, changed his various places of confinement with the austerity of a keeper of the Tower.

The air resounds with the pipe and tabor, and the drums and trumpets of the showmen shouting at the doors of their caravans, over which tremendous pictures of the wonders to be seen within hang temptingly; while through all rises the shrill "root-too-too-too" of Mr. Punch, and the unceasing pan-pipe of his satellite. "Lawk a' massey, Mr.

Butterby embrace your poor ol' father 'n law." Of the conclusion of this episode, I fear I am somewhat confused. I have an indistinct recollection that Mrs. Lawk and Malinda Jane were both carried off in a fainting condition; and that my enthusiastic friends gave three rousing cheers for Alderman Lawk, and three more for me.