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Lawk a me! sir, the number o' things I've wished for in my life 'bacco, knives, a silver watch, silk hankychies, lots o' things, but I never got 'em." "Never mind them now. Let's shout." "With a will, then, sir, and put your back into it. One, two, three, and ahoy!"

"Good evening, Mrs. Crowe," said Brett, advancing. "Have you seen a telegraph messenger recently?" "Lawk, sir," she cried, "I didn't recognise you in the gloom! No, sir, there's been no messenger, only " Then she uttered a startled exclamation. "Why, there's Mr. David an' Mr. Robert!

I turned on the intruder, and discovered the little cobbler, apparently as much under the influence of liquor as on the day of his previous eccentricity, stupidly endeavoring to push one post in the door while the other bade fair to thrust itself through the ventilator. It was then I learned that in the array consisted the entire household treasures of Mrs. Mountchessington Lawk.

"My tom, my tom, my tommy-hawk, With thee I'll make the pale-face squawk: With thee I'll make them cry 'Oh, lawk! My tom, my tom, my tommy-hawk." Circling round a great tree, he came full upon Hilda, flying in the other direction, and made a snatch at her green wreath. "Pale-face squaw shall lose her hat, Medicine-man will see to that," he cried. "Will he, indeed?" cried Hildegarde.

Belamour in the dark was a very different matter, and she had probably had an escape from much awkwardness. Molly received her with her favourite exclamation: "Lawk, miss, and who do you think have been here?" "Jumbo told me, Molly." "Ain't he a perfect pictur of a man? And such a gentleman!

She would not allow them to approach too close. "You had best not take lib'ties," she said. "I is a gweat lady; I is Diana, the biggest shot in all the world." "Oh, lawk! hark to her," cried one of the boys. "I wonder if you could shoot me, little miss?" "Shoot you, boy?" cried Diana. "That I could. You would be shotted down dead if I was to take up my bow and use my arrow."