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"Just because he saved my lassie's life," continued Turner, and seized by an uncommon impulse he put an arm round her and bent to kiss her not unwilling lips. He paused at the threshold, and drew back with a half-shamed laugh. "Tuts!" said he. "You smit me with silly lowland customs. Fancy your old Highland daddie kissing you! If it had been the young gentleman we speak of "

The lassie's haverin'! Wha daured to say that I was doonhertit within sicht o' the New Jerusalem? Order yer words better, lassie, or else haud yer tongue." "I beg yer pardon, Tibbie. It was ill-considered. But ye see hooever willin' ye may be to gang, we're nane sae willin' to lat gang the grip o' ye." "Ye'll be a hantle better withoot me, lass. Oh, my heid!

He waved his hand to her, and both of her arms answered his salute. When the door burst open, Lafe put down his hammer expectantly. Before he could speak, she was down upon her knees at his side, her curly head buried in his loving arms, and tears were raining down her face. Lafe allowed her to cry a few moments. Then he said: "Something's hurt my lassie's heart.... Somebody!... Was it Maudlin?"

I saw the Bonnie Lassie's eyelids quiver, but her face was cold and impassive as she turned to the visitor. "Mrs. Berthelin," said she, "you have made some very damaging statements, before witnesses, about Miss McCartney's character. What proof have you?" "Why, he wants to marry her!" almost yelled the mother. "She's trapped him." "That's another lie," said Mayme.

But they won't take me." He bestowed a bitter glance on his twisted foot. "Come along." They went off together, while Mrs. Berthelin scandalized Our Square by an exhibition of hysterics involving language not at all in accord with the rich respectability of her apparel and her limousine. We waited at the Bonnie Lassie's for the Little Red Doctor's return. He came back alone.

"Oich, oich!" he said, laughing, and turning to his ragged crew behind him, "ta lassie's frightened for Shon Heelanman. Puir thing! It's weel seen she's no peen procht up in Lochaber, or maype's no been lang in the way o' keepin a public. It's "'Haut awa, bite awa, Haut awa frae me, Tonal; What care I for a' your wealth, An' a' that ye can gie, Tonal?"

"You had better tell the servant I am no stranger to you," said Anne, looking toward the kitchen-maid, who stood in the passage staring at her in stolid amazement. "My ain sister's child!" cried Bishopriggs, lying with his customary readiness. "Go yer ways, Maggie. The bonny lassie's my ain kith and kin. The tongue o' scandal, I trow, has naething to say against that.

"Then for meat and liquor, ye may have the best, and I never charge abune twenty per cent. ower tavern price for pleasing a gentleman that way and that's little eneugh for sending in and sending out, and wearing the lassie's shoon out. I have drunk mony a glass wi' Glossin, man, that did you up, though he's a justice now.

Such was Julien's condition of mind after the last sitting that he actually left the precious portrait unguarded by neglecting to lock the door of the studio on going out, and the Bonnie Lassie and I, happening in, beheld it in its fulfillment. A slow flush burned its way upward in the Bonnie Lassie's face as she studied it. "He's done it!" she exclaimed. "Flower and flame!

They said, further, that "Betsy, they were sure, wad be the woman; for Sandy was a thoughtfu callant; and though he might be led awa, for a time, wi' twa blue een, a slender waist, and the red and white on a lassie's face, he wad soon come to see that ither things were needfu to a man fechtin for his bread, and strugglin for the rent o' a farm."