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But, man, what's all this botherment about telling a lassie's name?" "I'll bring her to see you, auntie." "I should think you will, indeed! and michty quick, too!" This was on Sunday, and by the first post on Monday John Storm received Glory's letter. It fell on him like a blast out of a cloud in the black northeast, and cut him to the heart's core.

Mrs Girdwood and her daughters having returned home, in a most uneasy state of mind on the lassie's account, the deacon himself came over to me, to consult what he ought to do as the head of a family. But I advised him to wait till Jeanie cast up, which was the next morning.

Presently a good many entered at once, some carrying lanterns, and most of them tallow candles, which they quickly lighted and disposed about the walls. The rest of the congregation, with its leaders, came trooping in so fast, that in ten minutes or so the service began. As soon as the singing commenced, Malcolm whispered to Lady Florimel, "Was 't a man's face or a lassie's ye saw, my leddy?"

"Doobtless: the Makker has taen a heap o' pains wi the skin! Ony gait, yon lassie's ane amang ten thoosan! Jeemie sud be on his k-nees til her this vera moment no sitting there glowerin as gien his twa een war twa bullets fired aff, but never won oot o' their barrels!" "Hoot! wad ye hae him gang on his k-nees til ony but the Ane!"

'Stuffed! she said; 'I'd as soon think of stuffing my husband!" Robin laughed, and leaning over tweaked Lassie's ear. "If we are to be stuffed, we prefer to have it an ante-mortem performance, don't we, little dog?" The sun dropped behind the tall peaks, but its dying light still covered sea and shore. They rose as if for the benediction, and looked out at the waters before them.

We call 'im 'Colonel, because of his white hair, long beard, an' noble bearin'. They was down to hard pan, if any one ever was, an' says I to meself, says I, 'Pete, ye've got to do somethin'! So in the doin' that somethin', an' seein' the lassie's bright face an' sunny ways in the midst of her hardships, knocked my own trouble clean outer my head.

"If I were ance at Lunnon," said Jeanie, in exculpation, "I am amaist sure I could get means to speak to the queen about my sister's life." "Lunnon and the queen and her sister's life!" said Dumbiedikes, whistling for very amazement "the lassie's demented."

Mysie had left the room, and as she returnee with a little bundle Andrew was anxiously asking, "What was the lassie's maiden name, Davie?" "Bessie Dunbar, father." "Then this is a wun'erful day; we are blessed and twice blessed, for I found your wife and bairn, Davie, just where John Sugden found you, 'mang the Druids' stanes; and the lad has my ain honest name and is weel worthy o' it."

For fifty years they have been makers of artificial flowers; both are clever artists, and the shops of the West End have fairly blazed with the glory of their roses. Winsome lassie's and serene ladies have made themselves gay with their flowers. There they sit, as they have sat together for thirty years. Neither can read or write, but what can be done in flowers they can do.

There the caldrons are ready with boiling lye, for don't you know? he's going to choose for his bride the one who can wash three spots of tallow from his shirt, Ha, ha, ha!" And the wicked witch hurried off again, laughing such a horrible laugh that it made the lassie's blood run cold.