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Ole Miss is in de parlor prayin' for de Secesh to gain de day, and we's prayin' in de cabins and kitchens for de Yankees to get de bes' ob it. But wasn't Miss Nancy glad wen dem Yankees run'd away at Bull's Run. It was nuffin but Bull's Run an' run away Yankees. How she did larff and skip 'bout de house. An' den me thinks to myself you'd better not holler till you gits out ob de woods.

One bus driver said "Oh, you can larff, cause your at 'ome. We are 'unting for Jensen on a North Pole Expedition. We won't be home for three years yet " Charley seems very happy and he got a most hearty welcome. I shall follow him over.

"Where on airth can your father be?" "O, daddy's in the sink room," says the young 'un, "a openin' eyesters." The whole derjerner bust into a hoss larff for these Upper Ten folks, Samivel, betwixt you and me and the pump, my boy, ain't got no more manners than hogs. The child was voted an ongfong terriblee but it wor a fack.

I've had a present given to me; well, what of that? You can look at it for yourself. I can't tell you who give it me, 'cos I've promised I wouldn't; but you'll know some day, and then you'll larff. It ain't nothing to fret your gizzard about; so there. I'm old enough to look after myself, and if I ain't I never shall be; so there." This did not satisfy Mr. Sparkes.

She kept a-arskin' questions, and everything she arsked I arnswered of her back dreadful moderate, and every time I arnswered of her back she'd give a little larff, endin' up on 'sol la ce do, sorter highsteriky; so't I was kind o' feelin' areound in my pocket t' find her a narvine lozenger. "And then I thought I wouldn't. All they want is the least little excuse and they'll begin to kile.

"Oh, honey, I war jis' ready to crack my sides larffin, jis' to see what a long face Jinny puts on wen ole Miss is talkin', an' den to see dat face wen missus' back is turned, why it's good as a circus. It's nuff to make a horse larff." "Why, Aunt Linda, you never saw a circus?" "No, but I'se hearn tell ob dem, and I thinks dey mus' be mighty funny.

Stend up, Jowey, bo-oy. Godwin looked askance at his cousin, who stood with pert face, ready for any test. 'What's the date of William the Conqueror? he asked, mechanically. 'Ow! shouted the youth. 'Down't mike me larff! Zif I didn't know thet! Tensixsixtenightysivn, of course!