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Sez I, "Elder Minkley is here, Josiah Allen, and Deacon Henzy Jonesville church is languishin' in debt. Is this a time for feathers? What will they think on't? If you can spend money for silk scarfs and plumes, they'll expect you, and with good reason, too, to raise the debt on the meetin'-house." He paused. Economy prevailed; what love couldn't effect or common sense, closeness did.

And to-day your descendants or influence posterity sail down the River of Time in picture hats and feather boas, makin' up eyes and castin' languishin' glances towards poor unguarded men till they steal their hearts and souls right out of their bodies; steal all the sweetness and brightness out of some poor overworked woman's life, and if they don't take the body of their husband nothin' is said or done.

And I told Sister Bobbet in confidence, and also in public, that it wuz time to talk about Zion's languishin' when we had done all we could to help her up. And I didn't believe Zion would languish so much if she had a little help gin her when she needed it. And Miss Bobbet said "she felt jest so about it, but she couldn't help bein' cast down." And so most all of the sisters said.

"I am impersonatin' Apollo!" sez he, a-layin' his head onto one side and a-lookin' at me over his shoulder in a kind of a languishin' way. Sez he, a-liftin' his heel, and holdin' it up a little ways, "I did think I would be Mercury, but I hadn't any wing handy for my off heel. I would be strikin' as Mercury," sez he, "but I think I would be at my best as Apollo.

His heart misgave him as he heard his wife bound up and bolt the door after him, but he was a philosopher who knew the value of time in remedying many of the ills of life. It must be admitted that he could not get into the spirit of the meeting, and Brother Simpkins remarked rather severely at its close, "Mister Buggone, I'se feared you'se zeal am languishin'."

At the breakfast table next mornin' he cast languishin' glances at Faith, and then looked round the room proudly as much as to say: "Gentlemen and ladies, behold my choice, and I hain't sorry I chose her out of the throng of waitin' wimmen." But some time durin' that day he found out his mistake.

Well, then, 'them the Lard loveth He chasteneth. That's why Will's languishin' like. 'T won't last for ever." "Ah! But theer's other texts to other purpose. Not that I want 'e to dream my Phoebe's less to me than your son to you. I've got my eye on 'em, an' that's the truth; an' on my li'l grandson, tu." "Theer's gert things buddin' in that bwoy." "I hope so. I set much store on him.

See her eyes sae saft and languishin'; and her lips such lips, Wullie!" He held the picture down for the great dog to see: then walked out of the room, still sniggering, and chucking the face insanely beneath its cardboard chin. Outside the house he collided against David. The boy had missed his treasure and was hurrying back for it. "What yo' got theer?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well," sez he, "I'm a deacon and I can't bear the thought of religious interests languishin' for my help." Sez I, "Seven folks wuz baptized last Sunday: the meetin' house wuz never so prosperous." And then he went on and said political ties wuz drawin' him, and he brung up fatherly feelin's for the children, and cuttin' up burdocks, and buildin' stun walls, and etcetery.

You wouldn't refuse that, and see me and little Junior languishin' in jail when you know in your heart " "Aw, take the darn car!" muttered Casey distractedly, and hobbled into the garage office where he knew Bill kept liniment. Five minutes, perhaps, after that, Casey opened the office door wide enough to fling out an assortment of straps and two crutches.