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The primary being is a unity, one in all, comprising within itself the multiplicity of elements from which all mundane things are composed. Laert., i. 119; Cicero, Tus. Qu., i. 16; Tennemann, p. 1, ch. i. This philosopher and mathematician, born about the year B.C. 570, is one of the great names of antiquity; but his life is shrouded in dim magnificence. Hist.

Laert., Proem, 9. Boundehesch, xxxi. Cf. Jesus, as soon as he began to think, entered into the burning atmosphere which was created in Palestine by the ideas we have just stated. These ideas were taught in no school; but they were in the very air, and his soul was early penetrated by them. Our hesitations and our doubts never reached him.

With him is said to have originated the doctrine of the 'harmony of the spheres'. QUI ESSENT: 'inasmuch as they were'. Cicero often tries to make out a connection between Pythagoras and the early Romans; cf. Tusc. 4, 2; also Liv. 1, 18. EX UNIVERSA MENTE: the world-soul. Diog. Laert 8 gives as Pythagorean the doctrine ψυχην ειναι αποσπασμα του αιθερος και αθανατον.

Being the highest magistrates in all judicial and educational matters, and in everything relating to the moral police of the country, the Ephori soon found means to assert their superiority, and on most occasions over that of the kings themselves. Every patrician who was past the age of thirty, had the right to become a candidate yearly for the office. Aristot. Potit, II. and IV. Laert. Diog.

Ait enim terrarum orbem aqua sustineri." Seneca, Nat. Quoest., iii. 13. This notion is mentioned in Schol. Iliad, xiii. 125. This doctrine Thales brought from Egypt. See Plut., Pac., in. 10; Galen, c. 21. But this maybe doubted. Callimach., Frag., 94; Hygin, Poet. Astr., ii. 2; Martin, Timee de Platon., tom. ii. p. 109, thinks it questionable whether Thales saw Egypt. Diog. Laert., viii. 60.

After his death, which took place during his defence of a friend in the public court, a temple was erected to him by his countrymen. Laert. Diog.

The triremes were already waiting; she went on board, the rowers took their oars and began the Keleusma. AEschylus, Persians 403. Laert. Diog. In the Frogs of Aristophanes the inhabitants of the marshes are made to sing the Keleusma, v. 205. Ailinos rang across the water from a thousand voices.

Ap. Stob. Serm. Laert. According to Clinton's chronology, viz., one year after the legislation of Draco. This emendation of dates formerly received throws considerable light upon the causes of the conspiracy, which perhaps took its strength from the unpopularity and failure of Draco's laws. Following the very faulty chronology which pervades his whole work, Mr.

Being the highest magistrates in all judicial and educational matters, and in everything relating to the moral police of the country, the Ephori soon found means to assert their superiority, and on most occasions over that of the kings themselves. Every patrician who was past the age of thirty, had the right to become a candidate yearly for the office. Aristot. Potit, II. and IV. Laert. Diog.

Every object has one λόγος or thing to be said about it; if you say a different λόγος you are speaking of something else. Laert., fragments in Mullach, vol. ii, and the article in Pauly-Wissowa. 'The doctrine also captured Metrocles' sister, Hipparchia. She loved Crates, his words, and his way of life, and paid no attention to any of her suitors, however rich or highborn or handsome.