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Dan just makes that etiquette column up from beginning to end!" Yes, P-t-r, it is quite proper to treat a lady friend to ice cream twice if you can afford it. No, F-l-c-t-y, it is not ladylike to chew tobacco. Better stick to spruce gum. Frilled muslin aprons will be much worn this summer. It is no longer fashionable to trim them with knitted lace. One pocket is considered smart.

She does justice to her classical extraction, and is modest and ladylike besides. Mrs. Stebbing is spiteful! I wonder whether it is jealousy. She calls her artful and designing, which sounds to me very much as if Master Frank might admire the damsel. I have a great mind to have the two girls to tea, and see what they are made of. 'We had much better wait till we hear from Lily.

The latter is precisely a good sort of woman; ladylike and housewifely, but, for accomplishments or fancy good lack, my dearest Matilda, your friend might as well seek sympathy from Mrs. Teach'em, you see I have not forgot school nicknames. Mervyn is a different quite a different being from my father; yet he amuses and endures me.

Patches, I should have ridden back to the house, screaming, ladylike, for help." "No, no," he protested. "That's not fair. I was thinking how wonderful you are. Why, I would give what wouldn't I give to be able to do a thing like that!" There was no mistaking his earnestness, and Kitty was all sunshine again, pardoning him with a smile.

Why, that girl Rose is a beauty if they didn't let her wear those ridiculous mustard-colored things, and do her hair fit to frighten the crows! Agnes too so ladylike and well mannered; she'd do credit to any man. Well, we shall see, we shall see! And Mrs. Thornburgh gently shook her gray curls from side to side, while, her eyes, fixed on the open spare room window, shone with meaning.

She preferred to remain ladylike to the last, in this and other little trifles in her lack of humour, her redundancies, her love of expensive clothes and genuinely humble people, of hot baths and latinisms and flowers and pet dogs and sealing-wax.

And O how delighted shall I be when I can say, Come, Matilda, and be the guest of your faithful Julia! 'I am at present the inmate of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn, old friends of my father. The latter is precisely a good sort of woman, ladylike and housewifely; but for accomplishments or fancy good lack, my dearest Matilda, your friend might as well seek sympathy from Mrs.

I have quite forgotten how to be ladylike. Isabel was right when she called me a bold and forward hussy. Now, then, please turn your face aside, for I wish to think, and so long as you look at me I cannot I make love to you brazenly. See! Now, then, that is much better. I shall hold your hand, so. When I kiss it you may look at me again, for a moment."

She looked a natural, healthy girl; they looked like a set of overdressed dolls, afraid to move or to talk loud, or to stretch their mouths when they smile; very ladylike and nice, no doubt, but you will see Millicent will throw them into the shade when she is once past the tomboy age. Leave her alone, Mrs.

And the grace of her diction will to a certain extent testify to her ladylike deportment and the entire breadth of her education. "I need add no more. I have thought deeply over this matter, and trust my subject will meet with universal approval. "Yours very truly, "JOHN WALLIS." Amongst the many duties which fell to the care of Bertha Keys was the one of looking after the postbag.