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The experiment therefore above related upon the lacteals of a dead pig, which were included in a strict ligature, proves nothing; as it is not the quantity, but the kind of stimulus, which excites the lymphatic vessels into retrograde motion. XI. The Causes which induce the retrograde Motions of animal Vessels; and the Medicines by which the natural Motions are restored.

When any one drinks a moderate quantity of vinous spirit, the whole system acts with more energy by consent with the stomach and intestines, as is seen from the glow on the skin, and the increase of strength and activity; but when a greater quantity of this inebriating material is drank, at the same time that the lacteals are excited into greater action to absorb it; it frequently happens, that the urinary branch of absorbents, which is connected with the lacteals by many anastomoses, inverts its motions, and a great quantity of pale unanimalized urine is discharged.

The veins are furnished with valves like the lymphatic absorbents; and the great trunks of the veins, and of the lacteals and lymphatics, join together before the ingress of their fluids into the left chamber of the heart; both which evince, that the blood in the veins, and the lymph and chyle in the lacteals and lymphatics, are carried on by a similar force; otherwise the stream, which was propelled with a less power, could not enter the vessels, which contained the stream propelled with a greater power.

The food should consist of materials that have the least stimulus, with calcareous water, as of Bristol and Matlock; that the mouths of the lacteals may be as little stimulated as is necessary for their proper absorption; lest with their greater exertions, should be connected by sympathy, the inverted motions of the urinary lymphatics.

And afterwards the mucus deposited in the cellular membrane, and on the surface of all the other membranes, seems to have been absorbed; and with the fluid absorbed from the air to have been carried up their respective lymphatic branches by the increased energy of their natural motions, and down the visceral lymphatics, or lacteals, by the inversion of their motions.