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From the white color of the contents of these vessels, they have been named lacteals or milk-bearers, from lac, which signifies milk. These lacteals ultimately converge into one trunk, called the thoracic duct, which terminates in the great vein under the clavicle or collar bone, hence called the subclavian vein, just before that vein reaches the right side of the heart.

Alcoholic drinks exercise a destructive influence upon the heart, the circulation, and the blood itself. These vicious liquids can reach the heart only indirectly, either from the stomach by the portal vein to the liver, and thence to the heart, or else by way of the lacteals, and so to the blood through the thoracic duct.

From these facts and observations we may safely infer, that the fetus in the womb is nourished by the fluid which surrounds it; which during the first period of gestation is absorbed by the naked lacteals; and is afterwards swallowed into the stomach and bowels, when these organs are perfected; and lastly that the placenta is an organ for the purpose of giving due oxygenation to the blood of the fetus; which is more necessary, or at least more frequently necessary, than even the supply of food.

In this membrane are some 150 glands about the size of an almond, called mesenteric glands. Now the lacteals join these glands and pour in their fluid contents to undergo some important changes. It is not unlikely that the mesenteric glands may intercept, like a filter, material which, if allowed to enter the blood, would disturb the whole body.

The organisms may lodge in the mucous membrane and cause tuberculous ulceration, or they may be carried through the wall of the bowel into the lacteals, along which they pass to the mesenteric glands where they become arrested and give rise to tuberculous disease.

I. Crystals increase by the greater attraction of their sides. Accretion by chemical precipitations, by welding, by pressure, by agglutination. II. Hunger, digestion, why it cannot be imitated out of the body. Lacteals absorb by animal selection or appetency. III. The glands and pores absorb nutritious particles by animal selection. Organic particles of Buffon.

So when the lacteals have their motions inverted, as during the operation of strong purges, the urinary and cutaneous absorbents have their motions increased to supply the want of fluid in the blood, as in great thirst; but after a meal with sufficient potation the urine is pale, that is, the urinary absorbents act weakly, no supply of water being wanted for the blood.

While the power of absorption in the roots and barks of vegetables is excited into action by the fluids applied to their mouths like the lacteals and lymphatics of animals.

Many of these absorbent vessels, both lacteals and lymphatics, like some of the veins, are replete with valves: which seem designed to assist the progress of their fluids, or at least to prevent their regurgitation; where they are subjected to the intermitted pressure of the muscular, or arterial actions in their neighbourhood.

There is also a chronic aqueous diarrhoea, in which the atmospheric moisture, drank up by the cutaneous and pulmonary lymphatics, is poured into the intestines, by the retrograde motions of the lacteals. This disease is most similar to the aqueous diabetes, and is frequently exchanged for it: a distinct instance of this is recorded by Benningerus, Cent. v.