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All three say that hellebore is the best thing for sucking insects. We echo the expletive, with a different application. You see, we have no instinct for gardening. Some fellows, like Bill Stites, have a divinely implanted zest for the propagation of chard and rhubarb and self-blanching celery and kohl-rabi; they are kohl-rabid, we might say.

Serve a dish of French salad dressing with the artichokes, which may be eaten either hot or cold. Melted butter also makes a delicious sauce for the artichokes if they are eaten hot. This vegetable is in season in the fall and spring, and may be cooked like kohl-rabi and served in a white cream or sauce. The artichoke may also be cooked in milk. Add one small onion and cook twenty minutes.

As soon as they hear the voice of Shaw all the vegetables dig themselves in. This saves going all along the rows with a shingle to pat down the topsoil or the humus or the magnesia bottles or whatever else is uppermost. Fred says that certain vegetables kohl-rabi and colanders, we think extract nitrogen from the air and give it back to the soil. It may be so, but what has that to do with us?

Kohl-rabi is fine flavored and delicate, if cooked when very young and tender. It should be used when it has a diameter of not more than two or three inches. Wash, peel and cut the Kohl-rabi root in dice and cook in salt water until tender. Cook the greens or tops in another pan of boiling water until tender, drain and chop very fine in a wooden bowl.

Heat butter or fat, add flour, then the chopped greens, and one cup of liquor the Kohl-rabi root was cooked in or one cup of soup stock. Add the Kohl-rabi, cook altogether, and serve. Use same quantities as for turnips. Remove all the old or tough leaves; wash the kale thoroughly and drain.

When the mutton has boiled one-half hour add the sliced kohl-rabi, and boil covered. In the meantime, drain all the water from the leaves, which you have boiled separately, and chop them, but not too fine, and add them to the mutton. When done thicken with flour, season with pepper and more salt if needed. You may omit the leaves if you are not fond of them.

On our left were two or three superior military officers of the Palace guard, distinguishable only by their diamond ear-jewels. My presents they were trivial: an opera-glass, a few boxes of chocolate, and a work-box were placed before me as I sat down. There were other offerings to right and to left of them a huge bunch of cabbages, a basket of Kohl-rabi, and three baskets of orchids.