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The Left-Handed Artist. Japanese Art City of Kobé. Kioto and its Temples. Idol Worship. Native Amusements. Morals in Japan. Lake Biwa. Osaka on a Gala Day. The Inland Sea. Island of Pappenburg. The Tarpeian Rock of Japan. Nagasaki. Girls Coaling a Ship. National Products.

It is not Europeanized like Kobé or Yokohama; it is purely Japanese in all respects, and possesses a considerable commerce.

He dreamed that the world was peopled solely by mosquitos, and he knew them all, Captain Boynton, Andy Black, Sanno, the Lady Hortense, and even Bobby herself. One by one they came and nipped him while he lay helpless, clad only in a pink suit of silken underwear. The experiences of his first twenty-four hours in Japan were repeated with variations three times before Percival reached Kobe.

Arrived at Kobe, we went first to lunch with some friends, and immediately after hastened on board to receive the foreign Ministers and other friends; and did not land again that evening. Friday, February 9th. We left by ten o'clock train for Osaka, which has been called the Venice of Japan.

The suddenness with which it burst upon me, like the South Sea upon Balboa, the feeling of remoteness inspired by its isolation, and its own intrinsic beauty, struck home so forcible a prepossession that it remained a favorite resort, to which I guided several others; for it must be borne in mind that up to our coming the hill tracks of Kobé knew not the feet of foreigners, and there was still such a thing as first discovery.

Some funny fellow in the squadron noticing this weakness, attached the name to our ship which, amongst the blue jackets at least, has entirely supplanted the original one. But this by the way. Well, we reached Nagasaki without accident; coaled, and left for Kobé, south of Kiusiu with a rattling breeze fair abaft.

Thither the day with lingering steps retires, And in its own blue element expires. Monday, February 12th. Fires were lighted at 4 a.m., and by six we were steaming slowly out of the beautiful bay of Kobe. It was a cold bright morning, with a strong head wind, increasing every moment as we proceeded, until, in the straits of Akashi, it became almost impossible to make any way against it.

Taking advantage of the permit to leave the steamer and rejoin it in Kobe, and having received useful advice from Cook's representative who came on board, I immediately went ashore. On calling a rickshaw I was much surprised to find that the man spoke English quite well.

At Kobe I found that the steamer, Mongolia, would be delayed, and therefore I would need to remain there until the second day. The following morning, I took a jinrikisha ride to the country and revisited several points of interest. June 6th: I was awakened at seven on the morning of June 6th by the voice of the guide saying, "We are now in the narrowest part of the Inland Sea."

At Kobe one can often see a whole mountain of wooden boxes containing matches, waiting for shipment to China and Korea. So it is in all other branches of industry. The Japanese travel to Europe and study the construction of turbines, railway carriages, telephones, and soon they can dispense with Europe and produce all they want themselves.