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But Cheever's traditions did not incline to such methods. He had the fisting habit. He did not feel called toward clinching or choking, twisting, tripping, knifing, swording, or sandbagging. His wrath expressed itself, and gaily, in the play of the triceps muscle. For mobility he used footwork and headwork.

It is one moment in the people's life, and it is the price we have to pay for all our progress. No doubt fearful things will happen; they must in every revolution. But they will be isolated facts exceptional features of an exceptional moment. The horrible thing about this promiscuous knifing is that it becomes a habit.

If a girl of the coast, celebrated for her beauty, was going to be married, the infidels, lying in wait, would surround the door of the church, shooting their blunderbusses and knifing the unarmed men as they came out, in order to carry away the women in their festal robes. On all the coast, the pirates stood in awe only of the navigators from the Marina, so fearless and warlike were they.

She would bandy jokes with them of the coarsest kind, and yet there was not a man of all the following who would dare to lay a rude hand on her or even to force a kiss from her against her will. Every man who clinked his can at that hostelry knew well enough that her father, when he was ashore, or her uncle, when the other was afloat, would think nothing of knifing any man who insulted her.

It is the duplicate "eye," in case the other is out of order. "Yes," said the captain, not looking at me, "she's mostly guts below. Have a look at that destroyer. We are going to send a practice torpedo at her, and she will pick it up and return it when we get back home." The sleek, lean warship was knifing the waters at 22 knots.

Your father doesn't hate our outfit a darn bit worse than he ever did. He found a chance to knife us, that's all. It isn't that he never wanted to before." "I'll thank you, Lance Lorrigan, not to accuse my father of knifing anybody. He's my father and " "And that isn't anything to brag about, if you ask me.

The man she had killed was in the act of knifing Raft in the back. "The boat!" cried Raft. She struggled to her feet, steadied herself, and came to the boat. They pushed it out till it was nearly water borne; she scrambled in, he followed, and pushed off.

It was difficult to remain detached, give no assistance, while Halvard encountered Iscah Nicholas. Yet with Millie in a semi-collapse, and the bare possibility of Nicholas' knifing them both, he felt that this was his only course. Halvard was an unusually powerful, active man, and the other must have suffered from the stress of his long conflict in the hall. The thing terminated speedily.

However, it is not the 'Knifers' that I belong to, but the 'Red Girdles. They are a steadier lot, and take their work more seriously." "Do you mean the work of knifing?" "That, among other things. Knives are very useful in their way; but only when you have a good, organized propaganda behind them. That is what I dislike in the other sect.

Communities highly civilized and largely urban tend to a thing which is now called evolution, the most cautious and the most conservative of all social influences. The loyal Russian obeys the Czar because he remembers the Czar and the Czar's importance. The disloyal Russian frets against the Czar because he also remembers the Czar, and makes a note of the necessity of knifing him.