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And he, looking upon her beauty with fear, replied, "It is thy beauty, O wife, that brings disaster." "And how is this?" she asked very earnestly. For a moment he paused, regarding her as might a stranger, as one who considers a beauty in which he hath no part; and, drawn by this strangeness, she rose and knelt beside him, pillowing her head upon his heart.

Within the mandorla was a youth about fifteen years of age in the guise of an angel, girt round the middle with an iron, and secured by a bolt to the foot of the mandorla in a manner that he could not fall; and to the end that he might be able to kneel, the said iron was divided into three parts, whereof one part entered readily into another as he knelt.

The assegai that pierced her was meant for your heart. Go, thank her, and bid her farewell. Anscombe, stop back with me." We stood still and watched from a little distance. Heda knelt down and put her arms about Nombe. They whispered together into each other's ears. Then they kissed. It was at this moment that Zikali appeared, leaning on two of his servants.

I cannot do what is wrong, even for you. Oh, God! not even for you!" She knelt down beside him, and took his clinched hands between her own; but he did not stir. "Not even for you," she whispered, while two hot tears fell upon his hands. In another moment she had risen swiftly to her feet, and had left him. Charles sat quite still where Ruth had left him, looking straight in front of him.

Talbot stepped over the first body to the side of the other. "My God, it's Seymour," he said. He knelt beside him, as Katharine had done. "Seymour," he called, "Seymour!" The man opened his eyes slowly, and looked vacantly at him. "Katharine," he murmured. "What of her? is she safe?" asked Talbot, in an agony of fear.

When half-a-dozen of them finished a game, they came into the aisle, crossed themselves with the holy water, knelt on one knee for an instant, and walked off again to play another game at bowls. They are remarkably expert at this diversion, and will play in the stony lanes and streets, and on the most uneven and disastrous ground for such a purpose, with as much nicety as on a billiard-table.

"Look here," he said, pointing to the tenth verse: "You wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water." "Shall we ask Him?" I said. He answered, "With all my heart;" and immediately pushing back his chair, knelt down at his round table, and I knelt on the opposite side. What he prayed for I do not know. I was completely overcome, and melted to tears.

And now I thank God that the Pope hath made her peace, for God knoweth I would be a thousandfold more gladder to bring her again than I was of her taking away." So he brought Guinevere to the king, and when they had both knelt before him, he said:

His hand fell heavily from hers, and she still knelt staring, such a look coming into her face as throughout her life had never been there before for 'twas the look of a creature who, being tortured, the worst at last being reached, begins to smile at Fate. "I have killed him!" she said, in a low, awful voice; "and he lies here and outside people walk, and know not.

She crouched upon the cold stone floor outside it, every night, to listen even for his breath; and in her one absorbing wish to be allowed to show him some affection, to be a consolation to him, to win him over to the endurance of some tenderness from her, his solitary child, she would have knelt down at his feet, if she had dared, in humble supplication. No one knew it' No one thought of it.