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It was presently perceived that Keziah missed her too that Keziah, who had loyally opposed the plebeian marriage, was become a turncoat and renegade, blessing where she should have cursed, blaming where she should have praised yes, blaming even Queen Deborah, who, needless to say, took her head off for it.

I say, if Gracie Van Horne hadn't happened to meet him, wanderin' around, crazy as a coot, and toted him back " "Gracie Van Horne! Godfreys mighty! She she met him? Where? Down to Peters's grove, was it?" "Peters's grove! No. What on earth made you think 'twas there? She'd been visitin' Keziah Coffin at the parsonage, and when she come out on the main road she heard him aravin' down the lane.

"I don't doubt you would be good to me, Miss Coffin, an' thank ye, Ma'am, kindly for a-sayin' of it; but you know innerpendance is sweet to all on us." "Surely, surely, Keziah; and now, Phineas, I suppose thee will see at once about this poor man, won't thee?" "Yes, Marthy, yes.

Why should not Widow Thrale's convalescents, when good, enjoy the coveted advantages of a visit to the Towers? Mrs. Keziah Solmes had welcomed the opportunity for her grandson Seth.

"Everything good," said the doctor, drinking another dram of brandy, "lies right at our feet, and all we need is to gather it up." "That's true," quoth Keziah, taking just a little sup of her hellish preparation; "these herbs were all gathered within a hundred yards of this very spot, though it took a wise woman to find out their virtues."

It was she who knew, before anybody else, when a baby Breen was coming and if a married woman was a personage to Keziah, an incipient mother was a being of the highest rank.

But I would be the easier to be assured that all went well with her, looking so dazed as she did. At her time of life too! More like than not Keziah will be for taking you over to the Castle, and maybe you'll see Mrs. Picture...." "Picture's not her real name, only young Davy he's made it for her." "Well, child, 'tis the same person bears it, whatever the name be! Maybe you'll see Mrs.

Captain Hammond selected the most substantial chair in the apartment and sat down upon it. He looked at his friend and shook his head. "No use, Keziah," he said. "If I was as deep down in the blues as the bottom of the Whale Deep, a look at that face of yours would pull me to the top again. You're a good woman!" "Thanks! When I have spare time on my hands I'll practice tryin' to believe that.

One of these, a girl, is "somewhere up Nawth". The son has visited him twice in five years and seems never to have anything to give the old man, who expresses himself as desiring much to "quit die unfriendly world" since he has nothing to live for except a lot of dead memories. "All done left me now. Everything I got done gone all 'cept Keziah.

We must see Mrs. Coffin. Keziah is our main hold. That woman has got more sense than all the rest of us put together." But it was Grace, not Keziah, who opened the shanty door in answer to their knock. She was pale and greeted them calmly, but it was evident that her calmness was the result of sheer will power. "Won't you come in, doctor?" she asked. "Good afternoon, Captain Mayo." Dr.