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Sae aff I set, and Wasp wi' me, for ye wad really hae thought he kenn'd where I was gaun, puir beast; and here I am after a trot o' sixty mile or near by. But Wasp rade thirty o' them afore me on the saddle, and the puir doggie balanced itsell as ane of the weans wad hae dune, whether I trotted or cantered.

And the Laird was three years married without having a family; and he was sae left to himsell, that it was thought he held ower muckle troking and communing wi' that Meg Merrilies, wha was the maist notorious witch in a' Galloway and Dumfries-shire baith. 'Aweel, I wot there's something in that, said Mrs. Mac-Candlish; 'I've kenn'd him order her twa glasses o' brandy in this very house.

I swore to keep the secret till he was ane-an'-twenty; I kenn'd he behoved to dree his weird till that day cam. I keepit that oath which I took to them; but I made another vow to mysell, that if I lived to see the day of his return I would set him in his father's seat, if every step was on a dead man. I have keepit that oath too.

"Ay!" pursued his guide, "on this very spot the man fell from his horse I was behind that bourtree-bush at the very moment. Sair, sair he strove, and sair he cried for mercy but he was in the hands of them that never kenn'd the word! Now will I show you the further track the last time ye travelled it was in these arms."

"Hegh, sirs!" answered Ailsie Gourlay; "how bra' are we wi' our new black coat and our weel-pouthered head, as if we had never kenn'd hunger nor thirst oursells! and we'll be screwing up our bit fiddle, doubtless, in the ha' the night, amang a' the other elbo'-jiggers for miles round. Let's see if the pins haud, Johnie that's a', lad."

It made an unco noise ower a' this country; the bairn disappeared the very day that Supervisor Kennedy cam by his end. If ye kenn'd this country lang syne, your honour wad maybe ken Frank Kennedy the Supervisor. He was a heartsome pleasant man, and company for the best gentlemen in the county, and muckle mirth he's made in this house. He was a daft dog.

Od, an I had kenn'd it had been Meg Merrilies yon night at Tibb Mumps's, I wad taen care how I crossed her. Bertram listened with great attention to this account, which tallied so well in many points with what he had himself seen of this gipsy sibyl.

Brown started back from this horrible object, and, turning to the gipsy, exclaimed, "Wretched woman, who has done this?" "They that were permitted," answered Meg Merrilies, while she scanned with a close and keen glance the features of the expiring man. "He has had a sair struggle but it's passing I kenn'd he would pass when you came in. That was the death-ruckle he's dead."

Weel, just as I was coming upon the bit, I saw a man afore me that I kenn'd was nane o' our herds, and it's a wild bit to meet ony other body, so when I cam up to him it was Tod Gabriel, the fox-hunter. So I says to him, rather surprised like, "What are ye doing up amang the craws here, without your hounds, man? are ye seeking the fox without the dogs?"

'I kenn'd it would be this way, she muttered, 'and it's e'en this way that it should be. The ball had penetrated the breast below the throat. It did not bleed much externally; but Bertram, accustomed to see gunshot wounds, thought it the more alarming.