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I owe Johnie Syme a special debt of gratitude, as it was he who first initiated me into that most important of all technical processes in practical mechanism the art of hardening and temperinq steel. It is, perhaps, not saying too much to assert that the successful practice of the mechanical arts, by means of which man rises from the savage to the civilised state, is due to that wonderful change.

He was a man of great taste and artistic feeling, and I was able even at that time to appreciate the beauty of his designs. One of the most original characters about the foundry, however, was Johnie Syme. He took charge of the old Boulton and Watt steam-engine, which gave motion to the machinery of the works.

I attempted to knock him in the head with my hatchet, I saw I had a good high holt on him so I stepped up closer to him when the darn skunk made a leap at my windsucker; the trap chain broke and he lit on my left arm and got busy eating meat. My gun was johnie on the spot, for several days I carried my arm in a buckskin sack meanwhile I concluded I would shoot game not trying other experiences.

But, alas! betraying Lord Evandale's young blood to his enemies' sword wad ne'er hae brought my Ninian and Johnie alive again." "Lord Evandale?" said Morton, in surprise. "Was it Lord Evandale whose life you saved?" "In troth, even his," she replied. "And kind he was to me after, and gae me a cow and calf, malt, meal, and siller, and nane durst steer me when he was in power.

"Oh, well, we'll find Billie and Johnie Bushytail somewhere in the woods," went on Sammie, "and maybe Jimmie Wibblewobble, the boy duck, will come along, too. Then there is Jackie and Peetie Bow Wow, who have come back from the country. Oh, we can get up a regular team." "All right, I'll come," agreed Buddy. "Wait until I bring in some wood for mother.

Morton followed her into the cottage accordingly. Then out and spake the auld mother, And fast her tears did fa "Ye wadna be warn'd, my son Johnie, Frae the hunting to bide awa!" Old Ballad. When he entered the cottage, Morton perceived that the old hostess had spoken truth.

He had removed thither from the south, where the name is indigenous; being indeed a descendant of that Christy, whom his father, Johnie Armstrong, standing with the rope about his neck, ready to be hanged or murdered, as the ballad calls it apostrophizes in these words: 'And God be with thee, Christy, my son, Where thou sits on thy nurse's knee!

The skilful artisan thus knows by experience the exact point at which it is necessary again to plunge it into cold water in order to secure the requisite combination of toughness and hardness to the steel required for his purposes. In all these matters, my early instructor, Johnie Syme, gave me such information as proved of the greatest use to me in the after progress of my mechanical career.

'The king he movit his bonnet to him, He ween'd he was a king as weel as he. Johnie Armstrong. The end of the Church's troubles in Scotland was still far off.

But, alas! betraying Lord Evandale's young blood to his enemies' sword wad ne'er hae brought my Ninian and Johnie alive again." "Lord Evandale?" said Morton, in surprise. "Was it Lord Evandale whose life you saved?" "In troth, even his," she replied. "And kind he was to me after, and gae me a cow and calf, malt, meal, and siller, and nane durst steer me when he was in power.