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The Slyme ale-house had an ill repute, and was said to be haunted moreover; none would lie there the night who had anything to lose 'twas the haunt of kites and 'corbie craws. As he watched and waited there stole down from the fells above him 'oncome' of mist or 'haar' from the eastward, which soon drew a plaid of hodden grey above the shoulder of Shillmoor.

I would have thocht the thowless trauchle hadna the smeddum left to interfere." "Oh, it was yon boy of hers. He's aye swaggerin' aboot, interferin' wi' folk at their wark he follows his faither's example in that, for as the auld cock craws the young ane learns and his mither's that daft aboot him that ye daurna give a look!

Having some gift in imitating the Scotch dialect, I read: "November chill blaws loud wi' angry sugh; The shortening winter day is near a close; The miry beasts retreating frae the pleugh; The black'ning trains o' craws to their repose: The toil-worn Cotter frae his labour goes, This night his weekly moil is at an end, Collects his spades, his mattocks and his hoes, Hoping the morn in ease and rest to spend, And weary, o'er the moor, his course does hameward bend."

I will tak my pistol and gang wi' him, and if ony thing happens, I will be at hand to assist him." "Haud, haud your tongue, ye silly callant!" she exclaimed, in great tribulation, "ye are as great a fool as your faither is. He sees what he has made o' you. But as the auld cock craws the young ane learns."

"Till they began to discover nothin’ much goes on round here lessen Don Cazar has a finger in th’ pot. An’ they had to swaller a lotta them hot an’ hasty wordsstuck heavy in quite a few craws, I reckon." Fenner grinned. "Only, th’ Don, he’s got agin him now a big list of little men who’d like to be big chiefs. Every once in a while they gits together an’ makes war talk.

You git it well into your craws that I command you, and that you've got to do just as I say, and I'll do the rest o' the knowin' that you need. "But how're we to know that you're right every time," argued Monty Scruggs. "Well," explained the patient Si, "if you've any doubts, go to the Orderly-Sarjint. If he don't satisfy you, go to the Captain.

They glanced at each other with looks of embarrassment, and Mrs. Callender, who came in like a breeze off a Scottish moor, said audibly that she had never seen "sae many craws on one tree before." The Archdeacon was there with his head up, talking loudly to Lady Robert.

They are all damphules, with empty breeches pockets, and craws filled with morbid scruples. How do I know there won't be a woman among them! Good Lord! Think of a woman on the board of directors in a bank!" snorted Coleman. "Well, it couldn't be as bad as that," said Acres, as he pulled at the ends of his wiry gray moustache. "Yes, it can! It can be as bad as hell, I tell you.

It spoke well for the size of their craws certainly, that, during the two minutes Ben was away, they had each devoured a "print" of butter, about half a pound! "Saw ye ever the like o' thae birds, Miss Kathleen?" began Ben, proudly. "My butter, my butter!" cried Kate. Ben ran to the rescue, and having removed everything to the high shelf, he came back, saying, "It was na their faut.

Our dancing was none of the French or English insipid formal movements; the ladies sung Scotch songs like angels, at intervals; then we flew at Bab at the Bowster, Tullochgorum, Loch Erroch Side, etc., like midges sporting in the mottie sun, or craws prognosticating a storm in a hairst day.