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You's at Wa'trace Hall Mahsteh Majah's new country-house; yes, sah; dat's whah you is kee-hee!" "And who is 'Master Major'?" pressed Blount, whose bewilderment grew with every fresh attempt to dispel it. "A-ain't she tell you dat? kee-hee! Ev'body knows Mahsteh Majah; yes, sah. If de mistis ain't tell you, ol' Barnabas ain't gwine to no, sah.

Ah'll bring yo'-all's coffee in de mawnin'; yes, sah good-night, sah kee-hee!" And the door closed silently upon the wrinkled old face and the bobbing head. Having nothing else to do, Blount went to bed, but sleep came reluctantly.

Wa-hee!" screamed the Gay-Header in reply, raising some old war-whoop to the skies; as every oarsman in the strained boat involuntarily bounced forward with the one tremendous leading stroke which the eager Indian gave. But his wild screams were answered by others quite as wild. "Kee-hee! Kee-hee!" yelled Daggoo, straining forwards and backwards on his seat, like a pacing tiger in his cage.

Wa-hee!" screamed the Gay-Header in reply, raising some old war-whoop to the skies; as every oarsman in the strained boat involuntarily bounced forward with the one tremendous leading stroke which the eager Indian gave. But his wild screams were answered by others quite as wild. "Kee-hee! Kee-hee!" yelled Daggoo, straining forwards and backwards on his seat, like a pacing tiger in his cage.