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The farmer straightened up where he stood and braced himself with the spear. "There is an old story which has been handed down from father to son in my family; and in it one learns what will happen to Östergötland." "Then you may as well tell it to me," said the oarsman. "We do not tell it to anyone and everyone, but I do not wish to keep it a secret from an old comrade.

He fancied he could almost see her thoughts as there flashed across her face some new, swift expression more speaking than words, now a noble thought, he was sure; now an odd fancy, now a serious meditative mood, that held her every sense and faculty in thrall at once. Through all her revery she never forgot her duty with the rudder, though she quite forgot her oarsman.

We and our trunks were bundled into a launch, and we left the Buford forever. We were familiar with the magazine illustrations of the Pasig long before our pedagogic invasion of Manila, but we were unprepared for the additional charm lent to these familiar views by the play of color. The bancas are dug-out canoes, each paddled by a single oarsman.

While the boats were quite large, the arched decks made them look even larger. A considerable amount of material could be stored under these decks. The only part of the boat that was entirely open or unprotected from the waves was the cockpit, or mid-section occupied by the oarsman. This was only large enough for one man.

Nicolas, at the bow oars, did his best to keep up with his chief in the matter of rowing, though the Mexican was neither an oarsman nor an athlete. "Don't you make out the motor boat's lights yet?" Tom asked impatiently, after the first long spurt of rowing. "Not yet, sir," replied the superintendent. "I shan't miss the light when it shows."

On the last night when they beat Leander, looking fresh as paint, leading by a length and taking the championship out of England, you would never have guessed by the flicker of an eyelash that it wasn't the most happy conclusion of a good week's sport for every oarsman present. It's the same spirit essentially that England is showing to-day. She cheers the winner.

A black look had begun to settle on his face, but it vanished when Necia came, and he met her with a smile. "I was afraid you had weakened," he said. "Everything is ready and waiting. I've got the only canoe in the place, a Peterborough, and hired a good oarsman to put you through, instructing him to make as fast time as he can, and to board the first steamer that overtakes you.

It was the same boat and the same oarsman that had brought them over earlier in the day. He had made an extra trip at this most unusual hour, for the express purpose of taking this woman back. "I suppose there is no possibility of your drumming up anyone to row us over in time to catch them?" "None in the least. I have inquired." "Then follow me into the station. I have a few messages to send."

Boats ain't like horses; it'll take a good oarsman to navigate these rapids " "Well?" Quirk looked up quickly. "I'm a good oarsman." There was a momentary pause. "Ain't I?" Mr. Linton hastily remedied his slip of the tongue. "You're a bear!" he asserted, with feeling.

In our first rapid the next morning, we had to carry our passengers whether we wanted to or not. There was no shore on either side. In such plunges they would lie down on the deck of the boat behind the oarsman, holding to the raised bulkhead, ducking their heads when an oncoming wave prepared to break over them.