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Bud glanced down at his hand and saw that he held a bit of folded paper. Hastily, yet cautiously, he unfolded it and read these words scrawled on it with a lead pencil: Me and Spike kan yit save you. Give up the miners map and promis to tell nobudy of the kave of gold and we wil git you free.

Thure, stepping a little behind Bud and holding the paper so that no eyes but his own could see it, cautiously opened the note and slowly read these words: If you wil give us the miners map and promice tu say nuthin bout the gold kave Bill and me wil sudenly diskuver that we is mistakin in thinkin that you was the ones tu kil old Stakpole and you wil go free.

We have about 230 on board, but in hopes, if do n't kave good luck, that my parents will receive me with thanks. I would like to know how my sisters are. Does my cousins live in New York yet? Have you got my letter? If not, inquire to Mr. Pierce Whiting's. I wish you would write me an answer as soon as possible. I am your only son, that is so far from your home, in the wide briny ocean.

Two raincaped watch approach, silent, vigilant. THE WATCH: Bloom. Of Bloom. For Bloom. Bloom. FIRST WATCH: Caught in the act. Commit no nuisance. THE GULLS: Kaw kave kankury kake. BLOOM: The friend of man. Trained by kindness. BOB DORAN: Towser. Give us the paw. Give the paw. SECOND WATCH: Prevention of cruelty to animals.

Yure very obtoose." I was konsiderbul riled at this. Sez I, "My gentle Sir, Ime a nonresistanter as a ginral thing, & don't want to git up no rows with nobuddy, but I kin nevertheles kave in enny man's hed that calls me a obtoos," with whitch remarks I kommenst fur to pull orf my extry garmints. "Cum on," sez I "Time! hear's the Beniki Boy fur ye!" & I darnced round like a poppit.

Two important points in Satan's doctrine were announced by him in the Garden of Eden when he first approached the woman, and these two declarations kave been an important part of the world's creeds throughout the history of man. The first was a bold denial of a positive statement of God, when Satan said: "Ye shall not surely die."