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Yes, I recognise those features ... there is nothing Egyptian about the low white forehead, the prominent cheek-bones, the short, straight nose, the fine mouth with its white teeth, the soft moustache and curling beard, and those small eyes set far apart ... and on the head the cap of hair furrowed with a parting.... Why, it is thou, Karp, Sídor, Semyón, thou petty peasant of Yaroslávl, or of Ryazán, my fellow-countryman, the kernel of Russia!

And then my wife, a little while ago I'm just an enemy to myself! There surely can't be anything bad; but I think of all sorts of nonsense! I'd better go and have a chat with my friends at the tavern. What did he whisper to her just now? I pined for you until I married you; and now that I have married you, all my heart aches. Same room as in ACT I KARP and PROKÓFYEVNA come in

White, low brow, prominent cheek-bones, nose short and straight, handsome mouth and white teeth, soft moustache and curly beard, and those wide-set, not large eyes ... and on the head the cap of hair parted down the middle.... But it is thou, Karp, Sidor, Semyon, peasant of Yaroslav, of Ryazan, my countryman, flesh and blood, Russian! Art thou, too, among the sphinxes?

A room, cheaply papered, shabbily furnished; in the rear two doors, one opening on the street, the other leading into an adjoining room; the windows are hung with chintz curtains. PROKÓFYEVNA. Just look, dear sir, how many people have gathered. KARP. What do they want? Why are they curious? PROKÓFYEVNA. Every one, dear sir, wishes to know who it is that has arrived.

KARP. At night just the same. They say people sleep when they're bored. BABÁYEV. How stupid I was not to bring any books. KARP. So that's what you wish! An intrigue! That's his style! He was his mother's spoiled darling and he was raised with young ladies and in the housemaids' room, and he has a hankering for that kind of thing now. Since I've lived in St.

Petersburg with him, what things I have seen; it was shameful! I wonder if he's asleep? LUKÉRYA comes in. KARP and LUKÉRYA KARP. What do you want? LUKÉRYA. Valentin Pávlich. KARP. What do you want of him? LUKÉRYA. If I want to see him, of course it must be necessary. KARP. Do you want help of some sort? LUKÉRYA. How rude!

KARP. Oh, those endless legal matters. Petty business, something to bear witness to; but I suppose he'll waste five days over it. PROKÓFYEVNA. It wouldn't be surprising. Have you called on the judges? KARP. Yes, we called on them all. Just now they sent us a clerk from court. PROKÓFYEVNA. They'll probably do it quicker for you than for us. BABÁYEV and SHISHGÁLEV enter at the side door.

This conjecture sounded plausible, for it was remembered that Karp had been in the neighborhood just at that time in the autumn, and had robbed three people. But this affair and all the talk about it did not estrange popular sympathy from the poor idiot. She was better looked after than ever.

It's a big city, the capital, not like this. KARP. One is bored to extinction here. If he'd grease the palms of the principal men at the court, then they'd have done it in a jiffy. At least we'd now be home, at business. I wonder how it is he isn't bored! I wonder if he hasn't found some prey here! He surely doesn't go about town for nothing!

KARP. Your lodging is all right; it's clean. PROKÓFYEVNA. Certainly it's clean, sir. No great frills, but it's clean. Of course there's no great travelling to our town. KARP. It isn't on the highway. PROKÓFYEVNA. Highway, not much! Yet the best people that do come here, lodge with me. I know a lot of the landowners who come here. They are used to me; very few of them ever go to the hotel.