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As soon as they agreed, the alan gave them valuable things. Aponitolau used his power and the golden house of Kanag which the alan gave him was pulled up and went to Kadalayapan and the gold house of Dondonyán went to Natpangan. Aponigawani used her power, and when it became morning Kanag cried because his golden house of Dagápan, which was the alan's town, went to Kadalayapan.

Aponitolau called his mother and asked who it was and his mother replied that it was Gimbangonan. So Aponitolau went to Natpangan. "Why did you go to kill Aponibolinayen?" "I went to kill her for you do not care for me any more." "I do not like you, for you are a very big woman. Every time you step the floor is broken. If you come again to Kadalayapan I will cut your head off.

Not long after all the heads gathered and he said again, "You heads of Giambólango first, and you heads of the men precede the women. As soon as you arrive in Kadalayapan stop by the gate of the town. You house of Giambólango go directly to my house in Kadalayapan. Go with the big storm." So the house went. "You oranges of Giambólan come and follow us." So the oranges followed them.

As soon as they arrived in Kadalayapan Kanag laid down in their balaua. When they called him at meal time he did not wish to go. When Aponitolau and Apo=nibolinayen finished eating they said, "If you do not wish to eat we will go to see our little house in the fields." "We will go and fix it so we will have some protection during the rainy season," said Aponitolau. So they went truly.

"You send your people to go and invite our relatives," said Ilwisan, "so that they will come to attend my big party, for I have returned from the fight." So they sent the messengers to the towns where the relatives lived. When the spirit messengers arrived by the balaua where Aponitolau of Kadalayapan was lying down, "Good morning," they said. "How are you," said Aponitolau.

So he used his magical power and soon the big storm came and took Kanag to Kalaskigan while he was sleeping. Not long after Aponitolau went back home to Kadalayapan. Aponibolinayen asked him where Kanag was. "I thought he came ahead of me," Ligi said. "I think you have killed him," said Aponibolinayen, "for you think he loves your concubines."

"What is the matter with you, father, that you swim in the blood? Can't you use your power so you don't have to swim?" Then he took hold of him and lifted him up. As soon as all the people were killed they used their power so that all the heads and valuable things went to Kadalayapan.

As soon as they were far away from the town Gamayawán used her magic, and all the people who slept awoke. As soon as Ligi woke up he saw the boy by him again, and they at once hid him. When it became afternoon Gamayawán and her companions went to Kadalayapan to get the boy and as soon as they arrived she used magic again so that all the people slept, then they went up to the town.

When this girl comes down to steal sugar-cane she takes off her star dress and appears as a beautiful maiden; she becomes enamored with Aponitolau and takes him to the sky, where he lives with her. They have a child, who later marries in Kadalayapan and thereafter stays below.

"They will come there bye and bye." "Ala, if that is what you say they must come and visit us, even if they stay here." Not long after Kanag and his wife went to Kadalayapan to visit his father and they staid there three months. Then Do-ansowan and his wife were anxious for them to return. When Kanag and his wife returned to Kalaskigan they said, "Why did you stay so long?