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It represented the Cardinal-Generalissimo wearing a casque surrounded by laurels. Above it was inscribed: "Grand Duc: c'est justement que la France t'honore; Ainsi que le dieu Mars dans Paris on t'adore." These fine phrases did not persuade the people that they were happy.

How the latter, having gone, some time later, on a visit to a French family near Aix, is followed by her other son, her other self, he has almost come to be, "now a hardy, handsome man in the full vigour of life," on his receiving from the head of the house a gracious and courtly invitation for "the honour of the company of cet homme si justement célèbre, Monsieur le Capitaine Richard Double-dick!"

We were facing the open archway; through it one looked out upon the high-road. A wheelbarrow passed, trundled by a peasant- girl; the barrow stopped, the girl leaving it for an instant to cross the court. "Bonjour, mere " "Bonjour, ma fille it goes well?" a deep guttural voice responded, just outside of the window. "Justement I came to tell you the mare has foaled and Jean will be late to-night."

"Mademoiselle," said the riding-master, as she paused before them, "pourquoi, wherefore have you stopped in your canter tantôt a little while ago et puis recommencé?" "Monsieur, he led with the wrong foot." "C'est ça justement!" he exclaimed. "Have you practiced leaping, Ellen?" "Yes, Sir." "Try her, M. De Courcy. How high will you go, Ellen?"

Le roi des Indes vient justement de m'envoyer quatre eventails faits de plumes de perroquets, et le roi de Numidie une robe faite de plumes d'autruche. J'ai un cristal qu'il n'est pas permis aux femmes de voir et que meme les jeunes hommes ne doivent regarder qu'apres avoir ete flagelles de verges. Dans un coffret de nacre j'ai trois turquoises merveilleuses.

Throwing herself without ceremony on my bed she added, "It seems Mademoiselle was nearly crushed to a jelly in a hubbub at the theatre some weeks ago." "Ah! indeed. And they live at a large hotel in the Rue Crecy?" "Justement. How do you know?" "I have been there." "Oh, you have? Really! You go everywhere in these days. I suppose Mother Bretton took you.

"Helas! un ecrivain justement celebre qui seroit mort de douleur s'il avoit connu ses disciples; un philosophe aussi parfait de sentiment que foible de vues, n'a-t-il pas dans ses pages eloquentes, riches en detail, pauvre au fond, confondu lui-meme les principes de l'art social avec les commencemens de la societe humaine?

M. F. PERRON, "Essai d'une Nouvelle Theorie sur les Idées Fondamentales," 1843. "Ici, a prendre les mots dans le sens ordinaire, il semble qu'il soit demontré qui la Creation est impossible, principe justement cher au Pantheisme; tandis qu'au fond, tout ce qui est demontré, c'est que l'Etre en soi est necessairement incréé, verité incontestable, dont le Pantheisme n'a rien a tirer."

O heart of gold!" he said, with, a strange meditative smile, now that his eyes lifted toward the glad and glorious eyes of his wife; "I am not worthy! Indeed, my dear, I am not worthy!" As Played at Manneville, September 18, 1750 "L'on a choisi justement le temps que je parlois a mon traiste de fils. Sortons!

It represented the Cardinal-Generalissimo wearing a casque surrounded by laurels. Above it was inscribed: "Grand Duc: c'est justement que la France t'honore; Ainsi que le dieu Mars dans Paris on t'adore." These fine phrases did not persuade the people that they were happy.