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Instead, he gazed beyond, into the depths of the night outside, the door standing open. There was the sound of a step outside. Bordine turned quickly. A stalwart form was framed in the narrow door the form of Perry Jounce, the tramp! There was the gleam of a devil in the man's eye, and in his right hand he clinched the haft of a huge knife.

"So you've thumped him?" muttered the saloon proprietor. "How much did you find?" "Notting." "See here, chum, that's too gauzy." "Didn't ther boss pay yer a good hundred fer this room?" questioned Jounce, turning upon Bowlegs. "He hasn't paid it yet. I'm not going to permit any snap games. This fellow doesn't go out of here till you pay the full price." "That's ther snap!" returned Jounce.

The slender frame of Ransom Vane trembled, and his white hands were clinched fiercely. He well understood the vicious nature of the man before him, however, and realized that a movement of aggression on his part would lead to his own doom. Now, more than ever, was he convinced that Perry Jounce was the one guilty of the death of poor Victoria. Vane was placed in a terrible position just then.

Victoria clung to the young hunter's arm after the departure of Jounce, and seemed a long time in recovering from her fright. "There's no further danger," declared Bordine, "so just calm your fears. I will remain until your brother returns." "You are very kind, August." After a little the young man quietly disengaged her hands from his arm and led her to a seat.

Now we come to the treatments; and here again the parallelism is so close as to be ludicrous. The lancet and the rubber ring fail. We are still restless, and scream and cry. Then our self-sacrificing nurses walk with us; they rock us, they swing us, they toss us up and down, they jounce us from top to bottom, till the wonder is that every organ in our bodies is not displaced.

None the less he handled the "Constance" as if she might have been a load of dynamite, and when the crew rebuked him, they did it in whispers and dumb show. "Pshaw!" said the Atchinson, Topeka, and Santa Fe men, discussing life later, "we weren't runnin' for a record. Harvey Cheyne's wife, she were sick back, an' we didn't want to jounce her.

Price, though spry ter the las', war so proud o' her age an' her ailments that she wouldn't hev nobody see her walk a step, or stand on her feet, fur nuthin'. Her darter-in-law tole me ez the only way ter find out how nimble she really be war ter box one o' her gran'chill'n, an' then she'd bounce out'n her cheer, an' jounce round the room after thar daddy or mammy, whichever hed boxed the chill'n.

There could be no disputing this fact. A round table occupied the center of a small room, with a chair on either side of it. A pack of cards and decanter of liquor occupied the center of the table, also a couple of glasses. "Everything as snug's pigs in clover," chuckled Jounce. "This ere's the boss' private room, where he entertains peticler guests. Them as wants a private confab comes in here."

Referring to the insensible detective. "No, leave him to me, old fellow. You have done your complete share in disposing of the man-tracker. I will complete the work." "Better dump him in yender." "No." Perry Jounce said no more, but moved swiftly away in the gloom. Then August Bordine hastened for assistance.

Percival was only too glad to make the waves, and hold the bag of salt in the pond, to make it salty, just like the ocean. Sometimes the old dog would jounce a box up and down, to make the waves, and again, when he wanted larger ones, he would use a barrel. Then the waves of the pond would be over the heads of Buddy and Brighteyes, and they had to cling to the ropes with all their might.