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Tigers are everywhere in season." "Within an hour's walk?" Skag asked quietly. The other repeated his words in a voice that made Skag think of a grey old man, instead of the fat brown one before him. "Within an hour's walk? Ha, Ji! They come to the edge of the village and slay the goats for food and the sound cattle and the children!"

If the baby fingers came, those small, fearless fingers that were one's own youth reborn, they would press out all fretful lines of age, leaving only tender traceries. He leaned forward, listening. Already he could hear the tiny feet echo along the rooms, could see small, shaven heads bowing their first good morning to the O Ji San, revered, beloved patriarch of the home!

Skag cleared his throat a second time. . . . Carlin had used that name only once or twice before; and only in moments of her greater joy in him. He had been told by Horace Dickson that "ji" used intimately was "nicer" than any English word. Something in this experience threw Skag back to the point of the cobra and the last experience with crippling nerves.

'Doubtless they too are dead, but since they were not in the Regiment their honour concerns themselves only. So far as we were touched, see how correctly we came out of the matter! I think the King should be told; for where could you match such a tale except among us Sikhs? Sri wah guru ji ki Khalsa! Sri wah guru ji ki futteh! said the Regimental Chaplain.

"Missy, where in the world did you get all those flowers?" "Ji Kitty's cousin gave them to me." "For the land's sake!" It required a moment for mother to find further words. Then she continued accusingly: "I thought you were to come home with Mrs. Allen and Kitty." "Kitty got sick, and her mother had to take her home." "Why didn't you come with them?" "Oh, mother! I was having such a good time!"

That is what I think would be well for me to do, supposing all things remain as they are and God preserves my health and strength. It will not do to verify all Poitier's lugubrious congratulation to his children in the Vaudeville on their marriage: "Ji! Ji! mariez-vous, Mettez-vous dans la misère! Ji! Ji! mariez-vous, Mettez-vous la corde au cou."

In the higher Government schools, and in the Normal Schools, the students who are boarders obtain a better diet than most poor boys can get at home. Their rooms are also well warmed. 6 Hachi yuki ya Neko no ashi ato Ume no hana. 7 Ni no ji fumi dasu Bokkuri kana.

What a dear old pensioner you are! To which Gruff and Glum responded that he see her married this morning, my Beauty, and that if it warn't a liberty he wished her ji and the fairest of fair wind and weather; further, in a general way requesting to know what cheer? and scrambling up on his two wooden legs to salute, hat in hand, ship-shape, with the gallantry of a man-of-warsman and a heart of oak.

Takau ji, therefore, had ambitions of his own, and his mood towards the Hojo had been embittered by two recent events; the first, that, though in mourning for the death of his father, he had been required to join the attack on Masashige's fortress at Kasagi; the second, that his own illness after returning from that campaign had not availed to save him from frequent summonses to conference with Takatoki.

When the Amir Dost Mahomed Khan came to Peshawur in 1856, he was accompanied by Hafiz Ji, a leading mullah of Afghanistan and a great doctrinarian; to whom came the learned amongst the Faithful, to discuss the tenets of their religion and to listen to the wisdom of the wise.