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He paused a minute and then added cautiously, "They have brought two more belts with them. For you two, if you should decide " Maya shivered. Odin laughed, as he shook his head. "No. I am a man. Just flesh and blood, Ato. And I choose to stay here and take the blows of time. To endure to the end even as my fathers before on earth " Maya snuggled against his shoulder as she nodded her agreement.

Those who would not take oath to serve me are still slaves. Except for Maya, who sleeps. As for the treasures, my treasure houses are so full now that I doubt if I could separate one thing from the other. So youth grows old. But you must admit that this is better than cringing in a hole in the ground " "None of us cringed, unless it was you," Ato retorted angrily.

For instance, there are eight ceremonial occasions on which the entire pueblo rests from agricultural labors, simply because each ato observes the same ceremonials on identical days. In one of these ceremonials, all the men of the entire pueblo have a rock contest with all the men of Samoki.

The corona of the sun gleamed and writhed like a thin band of quicksilver. "We're going in there," Ato decided. "It's the quickest way." Warnings were sounded all through the ship. The screens were turned off now, as no eye could have survived the sight of that flaming ball which was rushing toward them at such extraordinary speed. The ship groaned as it hit the corona.

Consequently the experiment was made of adding the blue surface clay, in which there is a considerable amount of fresh and decaying vegetable matter probably sufficient to give temper, although the potters do not recognize it as such. Samoki consists of eight ato, one of which is I-kang'-a. occupying the outer fringe of dwellings on the northwest side of the pueblo.

He brings the head to his ato and it is put in a small funnel-shaped receptacle, called "sak-o'-long," which is tied on a post in the stone court of the fawi. The entire ato joins in a ceremony for the day and night; it is called "se'-dak." A dog or hog is killed, the greater part of which is eaten by the old men of the ato, while the younger men dance to the rhythmic beats of the gangsa.

The actual negotiations for peace are generally between some two ato of the two interested pueblos, since the debt of life is most often between two ato. Bontoc and Samoki claim never to have sued for peace a statement probably true, as they are by far the largest body of warriors in the culture area, and their war reputation is the worst.

It is claimed that in Sagada the public part of the ceremony consists of a mud fight in the sementeras, mud being thrown by each contending party. Loskod This ceremony occurs once each year at the time of planting camotes, in the period of Ba-li'-ling. Som-kad' of ato Sigichan is the pueblo "priest" who performs the los-kod' ceremony.

He seemed to know too much, when according to our philosophy the only wise man is the one who admits that he knows nothing " "I am not a philosopher," Gunnar interrupted again. "I only know that once you have thrust a foot of steel into a man he does not bother you again." "Please, Gunnar," Ato begged. "Let Val go on with his story."

Then Ato gave the signal, standing lean and tall in the control room, with a tight belt about his narrow waist, and Wolden's slug-horn fastened securely to it. The Nebula leaped toward the star-studded skies. Odin watched the moon disappear below them.