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"I heard 'em say that's how they would git rid of 'em, an' I heard 'em shootin' down there." "Hmm-mm, yes! Do you know just what " "Five dry cows 'n' two steers long two-year-oles, I jedged 'em to be." Marthy was certainly prompt enough and explicit enough. And her lips were grim, and her faded blue eyes hard and steady upon the face of Seabeck. "Hmm-mm yes!

At least, so we jedged from her papers and the bodies and clothes of them that come ashore some pretty little children, I mind, babies and their black nurses, and their mothers delicate women with valooable rings on their hands. Some of them's buried in the graveyard in the village, and their friends took some away."

I've seen a good many folks in my time, and I cal'late I've got so I can tell what kind a man is after I've known him a little while. I jedged Cap'n Eri was that kind, and, when you said we knew that skipper, I was almost sartin 'twas him." "Well!" exclaimed Ralph, "I don't believe I should have guessed it.

She told me she'd had a middlin' hard time of it and didn't mind a change. That surprised me a little, because I jedged from Aleck's talk she was an upstandin' critter but, pshaw! Aleck would think a worm was a sassy thing if it squirmed in his direction. Then I telegraphed Con Foster to have me a buggy and a minister ready for the three o'clock train, and to keep his yawp calked up.

"He got that lawyer from Pineville by the name of Marshall Bull-it and the squire thinks the sun rises whar that feller stands. The squire believed what that lawyer said and jedged that bees is poultry and the statute says poultry am exempt.

Benjy turned, perforce, the whites of his eyes gleaming in the candle-light, and stared at us. "You ain't gone yit, Marse," he said. "Gone where?" said Nick. "I'se done been tole de quality 'll be jedged fust, Marse." Nick hauled him out on the floor. Climbing to the deck, we found that the boat was already under way, running southward in the current through the misty rain.

"I stand ter be jedged by ther way I demeans myself an' I don't suffer no man ter badger me with questions like es ef I war some criminal in ther jail-house." The grotesque face of the hunchback hardened to the stony antagonism of an issue joined.

There wa'n't any way of tellin' whereabouts she was layin'; she might have been anywheres along them six miles, and you couldn't hear nothin' nor see nothin'. But anyhow, the wreckage kept comin' in below the cable station, so I jedged she was somewheres in that neighborhood and we got the boat out on the cart, of course and hauled it down there. "'Twas a tremendous job, too, that haulin' was.

"Hain't interested special," said Scattergood. "I git that much fun out of railroadin'." "It isn't paying interest on your investment." "I calculate it's goin' to. I'm aimin' to see it does." "Set a figure yourself." "Hain't got no figger in mind." "Mr. Baines, I'll be frank with you. I want your railroad." "So I jedged," said Scattergood. "I need it.

But he could qualify for the nervous dyspepsy class all right, judging by his language to the depot-wagon driver. When he got through making remarks because one of his trunks had been forgot, that driver's quotation, according to Peter T., had "dropped to thirty cents, with a second assessment called." I jedged the meals at our table would be as agreeable as a dog-fight.