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At this point Nicky-Nan fairly lost command of his temper. "So you're one wi' the rest, eh? All in one blasted conspiracy to turn me to doors! One comes threatenin', t'other comes carneyin', but all endin' in the same lidden. 'Your health ben't the best, Nanjivell: let me recommend a change of air. 'Nanjivell, you're a fine upstandin' fellow, an' young for your age.

"True as I'm sittin' 'ere!" he responded grimly. "And before that a friend of Sir Nigel's a fine, big upstandin' man 'e were, name of Wynne went the same way. Got a little the worse for drink and laughed at the story. Said 'e'd go out and investigate for 'imself. 'E never come back from that day to this!" "Gawd's truf! 'Ow orful!

"Oi meets genelmen on the road," he said, "as arsks me why Oi don't gaow to wurk; a great big upstandin' chap loike you, they sez, loafin' abaht and doin' nothin' why it's disgraiceful! Well, I sez, guv'nor, I sez, 'ow can Oi go to wurk? Oi'm a skilled wurkman, I sez, in me own trade, but Oi'm froze aht by modern machinery.

And this man, an upstandin' handsome man no one that knew him but spoke well of him, to me anyway, for I would not allow aught else after I come to know him. Since that last wreck it seems to me I've listened to other talk of him, but that's not so clear to me ... my brain, as I say, clouds up like on things that happened since.

"No, Lige, pay won't do it, but upstandin' nerve will an' I knows ye've got hit. Ef anybody quits now, they're all right apt ter foller suit." At the sound of the first words, Brent had pivoted as suddenly as though a bolt had struck him. They came in a voice so out of keeping with the surroundings, so totally different from any he had heard that day, that it was a paradox of sound.

You've seen me waltzin' through Lungtungpen like a Red Injin widout the warpaint, an' you say I'm too fond av the-ourisin'? 'Sorr, sez I, for I loved the bhoy; 'I wud waltz wid you in that condishin through Hell, an' so wud the rest av the men! Thin I wint downshtrame in the flat an' left him my blessin'. May the Saints carry ut where ut shud go, for he was a fine upstandin' young orficer,

He's a big, upstandin' man, with gold hair goin' grey, an' a flashin' eye an' a great magnetic voice. Everybody sez 't's the MAGNETISM in him that makes him so dangerous. An' he's as bold as a lion. He isn't frightened of anybody. He'll say anything right to your face. Oh, I wish ye could just meet him.

"Wull, he's a vine upstandin' zart of a gentleman," the landlord answered glibly in his own dialect; "as proper a gentleman as you'd wish to zee in a day's march; med be about your height, zur, or a trifle more, has his moustaches curled round zame as if it med be a bellick's harns; an' a strange zart o' a look about his eyes, too, as if ur could zee right drew an' drew 'ee." "That's him!"

"Some folks ain't got enough sense to go in outen the rain, seems so." "'T ain't rainin' not so's to call it so," said the crony, whose name was Smith. "The gell's pretty." "Ya-as, kind o'," agreed the station-agent, tilting back critically. "Boy's upstandin'." "Which one?" "Big 'n. Little 'un ain't got no git-up-'n'-git fer one o' his size. Look at him holdin' to her hand."

"You can see the sea from the top of her pasture hill," said William at last. "Can you?" I asked, with surprise. "Yes, it's very high land; the ledges up there show very plain in clear weather from the top of our island, and there's a high upstandin' tree that makes a landmark for the fishin' grounds." And William gave a happy sigh.