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For when the Blind Spot closed that night at 288 Chatterton Place, there came once more the deep, solemn peal of the Bell of the Jarados. Were this account merely a work of fiction, it would harmonise things so as to have no unaccountables in it. As it is, the present writers will have to make this quite clear: It is not known why the Rhamda Avec failed to show himself at the crucial moment.

Others call it the 'first of the Sixteen Days. Still others, simply the Day of the Prophet, or Jarados." "When will it be?" "Soon. It is but two days hence. And with the going down of the sun on that day the Fulfilment is to begin, and the Life is to come.

I shall hold you in my arms; I shall hear your bones crack; it shall be sweeter music than that of the temple pheasants, who never sing but for the Jarados. I shall slay you upon the Spot, Sir Phantom!" Watson turned on his heel. The ethics of the Senestro were not of his own code. He was not afraid; he stood beside the Jan Lucar and gazed out into the body of the temple.

"This is our landscape," spoke the Rhamda. "According to the Jarados, it is not like that of the next world your world, my lord. After you meet the Rhamdas, I shall take you into the Mahovisal for a closer view of it all." They reached the bottom of the stairway.

Instead, the people on the stairs were gazing down from the Spot of Life, straight into the colossal Temple of the Jarados. It was as Chick had described it immense beyond conception. Through the great doors and out into the plaza beyond was gathered all Thomahlia, reverent, like those waiting for the crack of doom.

Was there not that strange feeling that the Jarados himself was at his back? And had he not found that the prophet had been real? Did he not feel, as positively as he felt anything, that the Jarados was still a reality? Chick went to bed that night with a light heart. It was hard for Chick to remember all the details of that great day.

It was one of the Rhamdas. He had in his hand a small metal clover, of the design of the Jarados. "What do I do?" asked Watson. "This," said the Rhamda, "was sent to you by one of the Bars." "By a Bar! What does it mean?" The other shook his head. "It was sent to you by one who wished it to be known by us that he is your friend, even though a Bar."

And the Rhamda Geos went on to say that the teachings of the Jarados had been moral as well as intellectual. Moreover, after he had formulated his laws, he wrote out his judgment. "What was that?" "An exhortation, my lord, that we were to give proof of our appreciation of intelligence. We were to use it, and to prove ourselves worthy of it by lifting ourselves up to the level of the Spot of Life.

The MacPherson will arrive first. We are going straight to the Palace of Light, my lord." "Are we to storm the place?" thinking of the fight MacPherson had predicted. "Yes, my lord. Many shall die; but it cannot be helped. We must free the Jarados, although we commit sacrilege." "But the Senestro?" "That depends, my lord. We know not just what may be done." He gave no explanation.

And directly along its lower edge was a series of small, fiery jewels inset, and of the order and colour of the sign of the Jarados red, blue and green, alternating. The professor produced an electric torch and held it up to show that the gap between the stone and the ceiling was unbroken at any point. Then he counted the jewels on the lower edge. Chick made out twenty-four.